Sean Tembo Called me ‘uninitiated’- CHISHALA KATEKA



Good afternoon everyone.  This is Chishala Kateka.  I am not one of the 3 mentioned by SET.

There is a scripture in Proverb 18:17
The one who states his case first seems right,
until the other comes and examines him.

I am shocked at what conclusions some of you have reached simply by listening to the one side of Sean Tembo.  Really really sad.

Ask yourselves the question – if those lies being peddled are correct, why has ECL seen it fit to post on his FB page that he is staying in UKA?  Why would he choose to stay with those that do not respect him rather than go with those that are suddenly more patriotic than the rest of us?

In Zambia, we always end up with wrong leaders because as voters, we do not analyze our leaders.

*One* of the reasons that Sean was expelled was the fact that he is very divisive and if he was not fighting with one person he was fighting with another.  He called me ‘uninitiated’ on a COP chat group – everyone was upset with him.  Needless to say, he never apologized.

UKA ended up spending time stopping fights.

Once he joined us, we stopped making progress in COP.  You may have noticed that we have really slowed down.

He is very intelligent yes, but very very fractious.

Follow him at your own risk and do not say that you were not warned.


  1. Sean Tembo is very intelligent, says Chishala Kateka. Intelligent in what? Trouble is intelligence is all-too-often narrowly defined. I didn’t expect this to come from CK.

  2. Ba Kateka, you mean you didnot know Mr. Tembo’s character all this time? You accepted him in your midst knowing that he is divisive? It says a lot about your judgement.

    Even sitting at the same table as Mr. Lungu and aligning with him is not a good idea. Mr. Lungu is just as divisive as Mr. Tembo going by the way he divided this country during his reign and the other wrongs he committed.

  3. She didnt need to bring the being called uninitiated in public because now those who dont like her will always use that against her. it will become more like her name.

    • I entirely agree with you. Those Defunct TuPF criminal cadres of ECL opened up his brain leaving one or two screws loose
      So what do you expect? How many cases against HH7 has he taken to court and won? Zero like the votes he got in the last elections

  4. Madam Chishala you are yourself to blame. The association with most of those political parties show emotional and desperation than proper reasoning. At your level how can you today associate with ECL and PF politically. To me it highly level of being unprincipled. Believe or not no matter what happens you will elections or not politically all those associating with Lungu and PF will be finished before they realise. Lungu is there for Personal battle.

  5. You admitted him into uka even though you knew he would bring ZERO to the table. Zero contributions, zero councilors, zero MPs, zero ideas and zero votes. Now you have realised too late after he has disintegrated your uka and brought divisions. Thank you zero tembo.


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