HH Must not be a Coward but face me – ECL



  1. HH is not a coward and he has never been one. When you were still in power, at your peak as a tone of bricks, he faced you and managed to defeat you, so how he can he fear to face you now when you have left power? You tried to indomitable him by arresting him, pushing him into Mukobeko but he never gave up. In my opinion, you are the one who is a coward, you blocked the petition, you refused to handover power to to the Speaker, you threatened the Judges and appeared on the ballot in 2021. You threatened to arrest him after you handed over power to yourself, but he never gave up. Is that a person you can call a coward? I don’t think so. HH is not a coward and he will never be. And don’t think you can defeat him if you faced him in 2026, I can assure you, he will humiliate you even more than in 2021, your time is long gone.

  2. This is where former president ECL gets it wrong. The issue is not about him but the law of the land. The constitution is very clear that the maximum tenure a president can serve is 10 years and the question is if he had won the elections in 2021, would he not have served for over 10 years? Wouldn’t that have gone against the stipulated maximum tenure in the constitution? The problem with the former president and his supporters is that they are putting a face to the law which is very wrong. If this is to be allowed what will stop people who support president HH or any other leader from bending the law just to suit the person they like? For once let’s put our country first before our selfish desires.


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