A Letter to Her Honor, the Vice President of Zambia,
W.K Mutale Nalumango, on the Strip Club to be opened in Lusaka.
Sun. Sept 24. 2023
Your Honour the Vice President I begin by thanking you for allowing me to confer with you directly and regularly on issues concerning the Kingdom of God and on family and national values. Please continue to keep your doors open and allow dialogue to flow freely for a better Zambia.
Today, your Honour, I have chosen to communicate to you publicly because I am speaking on behalf of many Zambians on a topic of public interest.
On Friday, 22nd September, we woke up to a rude shock and revelation on social media, which reported that the government had granted a Lusaka business man a license to operate a strip club at Lewanika Mall starting next month.
Today, the government functions on National Guidance and Religious Affairs squarely lie in the Office of the Vice President under your watchful eye.
Your Honour, I am fully convinced to declare that your government will not allow that club to open and conduct an abominable business of great immorality for the following reasons:
1. You as a mother, a leader of Government business in the legislative House of Parliament and as a servant of God will not permit to see our daughters expose their bodies and give energy to the spirit of lust and sexual immorality.
2. Your government will break the law. According to the Republican Constitution, the supreme law of the land, Zambia is a Christian nation where God is supreme and Christian values permeate every fibre of our nation.
Part 2 and Article 8 in the same Constitution talk about national values and principles. Morality and ethics are one of the listed national values .
3. Permitting sin and giving force to it through a license is allowing Satan to rule with your government. This can close the heavens and result in untold sufferings and misery. The opposite is the same . Allowing God to rule over our nation results in open heaven and blessings. The Bible in Mathew 6:33 says, ” Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and everything shall be added unto you.”
As Zambians, we make an appeal to you, our vice president, and one charged with the responsibility of promoting our national and Christian values to immediately cancel the license of the striping club. Honourable mother, we implore you to stand firm and protect and preserve our Christian heritage. The issues of homosexuality, LGBTIQ, etc, should not be allowed in our nation.
Rev Godfridah Sumaili
Member of the Patriotic Front Central Committee