Ba Hon. Patrick Mucheleka; “Muicheme” “We Are Not Slow Starters”.
In view of Hon. Patrick Mucheleka’s disparaging remark about easterners, from the onset, allow me to underscore that whatever view points I have raised in this discourse, I have done so, foremost as an easterner and without any political party proclivity.
I say so because; the remarks attributed to him are not targeted at particular political party but easterners as a whole. It is without any doubt that the remarks by Hon. Patrick Mucheleka were derogatory to easterners.
I would like to rebut his unwarranted attacks on us with civility and realities; without which I will be no different from him. As for him, he did so for his personal political expediency; emotionally made such utterances suggesting that UPND lost Kaumbwe and Lusangazi because of easterners’ ethnic eccentric factors. Among them, suggesting, that we, “easterners” are slow to change or indeed to timely adapt to the changing political environment. “Bakalamba!” “Amano, yafuma mwifwesa yaya muchulu”. Let me give you some unsolicited, but very important political tutelage at no cost.
A political party, worthy its sort; prospecting whether to seek or retain power in the current Zambia’s geopolitics, must do so by fundamentally appreciating that effective management of the melting pot of ethnic and tribal diversity is an imperative. Hon P. Mucheleka must understand that the foresaid is a key success factor for any political undertaking in Zambia today. I thought he was wiser on this score. Maybe he chose to overlook it for personal political expediency. In effect, he should appreciate that diversity of ethnic and tribal groupings is both an important asset and a source of strength.
Zambia has just come out of a general election; it is a fact that UPND scooped 6 constituencies in PF stronghold; Kaputa, Mbala, Mpulugu , Senga Hill and eastern province account for two seats, Malambo, and Chipata Central. Furthermore, it must be appreciated that an estimated average of 47% of eastern province, voted for President HH. In fact, commenting on an article entitled HH Beats President Lungu in Malambo constituency in Eastern Province; Kakwata Aniche commented that; “I like Easterners they don’t have tribalism in their hearts like ……….”. “ They give to whoever they want, to unite the country. ………………..”…/hh-beats-president-lungu-in/.
Lets give the eagle eye to some constituency specific results of estimated percentages of these who voted in favour of President HH in the eastern province; 48% -Nyimba, 50%-Sinda, 51%-Mkaika, 57%-Vubwi, 46%-Kasenengwa, 50%-Chipata central, 40%- Chipangali and similar trends are sustained in all remaining constituencies in the province. With the above facts right before Hon Mucheleka; He chose to insult us, like really. Bakalamba, muvichitilamo che.
Above all, what kind of energy do the alleged disparaging remarks convey to the rank and file of UPND officials in the eastern province? As Deputy CEO of the party, did he institute an assessment to ascertain whether indeed UPND lost Kaumbwe and Lusangazi owning to the assumed ethnic eccentric factors or otherwise. From were I stand, the loss did not border on ethnic eccentric factors of easterners, but it was the casual approach and taking things for granted in this score. As I end my tutelage, let me underscore that the loss in question bordered on issues to do with effective elections planning and execution; and not as assumed by Ba Mucheleka in the remarks that were attributed to him. Do not draw easterners in the equation on an account of failure on your part bakalamba. Take responsibility, don’t massage the truth, account for the loss to the power that be; unlike engaging in a blame game mode. “A man can fail many times, but, he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.” In fact from were I stand, this loss should have been an object of lessons learnt and not a blame game. Tutelage closed.
With the apolitical stance I have taken and the facts I have made available; as easterners, you owe us an apology.
Hon. Sensio Banda
Former MP/ Kasenengwa constituency