Binwell Mpundu And Romeo Come To Near Blows



Parliament today had an explosive reaction as a confrontation erupted between two opposing lawmakers.

The heated exchange began when Nkana Independent Member of Parliament Binwell Mpundu and UPND Member of Parliament Romeo Kang’ombe traded barbs on the floor of the House. Kang’ombe ignited the firestorm by labeling Mpundu as “childish,” provoking an immediate and furious reaction.

“Childish?!” Mpundu shot back, his face contorting with rage. “You are an idiot!” he shouted, pointing a finger at Kang’ombe.

The tense standoff stunned colleagues who rushed to restrain the two lawmakers, who appeared ready to come to blows at any moment.

Amid the chaotic scuffle, Speaker of the House Nelly Mutti was forced to intervene, ordering both Mpundu and Kang’ombe to immediately leave the house.


  1. Really I don’t understand why people waste their time and energy to rush to separate two people willingly wanting to fight? Spectating is cool, let them fight each other and reduce themselves to brainless beasts!

  2. Parliament is supposed to be a dignified house. However, lately we have seen some very dishonourable conduct by the not so honourable members of parliament. The calibre of MPs leaves much to be desired.

    In the first place, the language MPs use must be measured. They must at all costs avoid calling one another names like childish or idiot. Maturity entails behaving in a dignified manner, even under extreme provocation.

    The conduct of the two MPs is despicable, disgraceful to say the least. What we have seen of the younger MPs is not encouraging. It is only a few months ago that a young MP shouted at the President calling him a liar. Another MP spat at a journalist. Unfortunately, the behaviour of older MPs is not any better.

    This is a reflection of the general collapse of our moral values. People pride in insults and other forms of anti-social behaviour. So much for our “Christian” nation label. We are mocking God.

  3. The Speaker’s ruling is silly and immature. You cant ask “honorable” people to go fight outside. Thats promoting thuggery. They are voted in to argue maturely. So Instead he should have encouraged them to end their argument within the esteemed house under his supervision. That way you send a good message to the public. Right now people will think its alright to take a fight outside the office or home.


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