Chawama wife killer outruns lynch mob
THE community of Madalitso area of Chawama Compound in Lusaka this morning attempted to forcibly send a husband to the land of his ancestors so he could reunite with his wife whom he had killed just minutes earlier.
Less than an hour after killing Memory Nakazwe, the 25-year old wife of his youth, new widower Trywell Banda was made to work hard to save his own life after friends to his wife and neighbours turned the heat on him.
According to eyewitnesses reports, honourable husbands of Chawama who were using today’s early morning’s breeze interrupted only by the soft music of the rains to pleasure their wives in bed, were jolted off their beds by a sharp deafening scream of Banda’s wife.
Banda and his wife Nakazwe, as they had frequently done, had yet again opted to misuse the fine weather to stage another bout of their all-too-frequent marital fights characterised by ugly fists, kicks, slaps and insults which neighbors had come to know the couple for.
Unfortunately, unlike always, Banda’s blow this time around sent Nakazwe to the floor leading to her to sustain a deep cut at the back of her head and die on the spot.
As rivers of blood began to ooze from under the couple’s door onto the verandah, neighbours realised that something horrible had happened inside the house.
Upon pushing the door open, they came face-to-face with Nakazwe’s lifeless corpse.
Realising that Banda had murdered his wife, the neighbours armed with sticks, stones and all manner of weapons, chased after him so they could assist him reunite with his wife even in death.
In his usual selfish manner, Banda resisted the one-way ticket to hell and ran like an Olympic champion from the pursuing mob.
After jumping over pit latrines, swishing his way past JICA community taps and leaping over pools of stagnant water, Banda finally managed to reach the local police station.
With the mob in hot pursuit, Banda summersaulted over the Police Enquiries Desk into the embrace of police constables whom he begged to arrest him lest the mob divorce his head from his body.
As the mob jostled and cried for justice, police spirited Banda from Chawama to an unknown location so that he may be favoured with a long quiet stay in Mukobeko Maximum Prison where it is said murderers now run business and even have sex with their partners from outside jail.
Credit : Kalemba