Chishimba Kambwili may go back to NDC


Chishimba Kambwili may go back to NDC

Clearly the battle for the PF presidency is between Chishimba Kambwili and Brian Mundubile. The others like Emmanuel Mwamba may fill up books analysing and commenting on every single action of the New Dawn Administration but would be lucky to walk away with 3 votes from the June 2022 PF extra ordinary conference.

Kambwili is the apparent favourite of the ordinary PF members for many reasons one of them being his aggressive and confrontational personality which is thought a necessity for African opposition leaders. Mundubile is clearly former president Lungu’s anointed one.

The former president, with the political situation relating to his tenor still very much fluid, needs someone who can fight for him. EL must be convinced that Kambwili would not be the one to fight for him given his earlier unceremonial eviction from the PF and his tribulations as leader of the NDC. The former NDC leader has said on numerous occasions that the EL administration was behind his legal troubles. The former president is surely warily of Kambwili craving sweet revenge on him if only by watching.

Consequently the former president appears to have put in motion a train of events to circumvent a possible Kambwili victory at the June 2022 conference. Part of which is making his loyalists Given Lubinda, Nixon Chilangwa and Rachel Nakachinda be in charge of the party in the interim. Key in this set up is Nixon Chilangwa who, as acting SG, will determine who will vote at the conference through his mandate to select the electoral college. Short of the Kambwili team doing what EL & company did to Guy Scott, they are thoroughly beaten on this one. EL is master at political puppeteering. He works well through other people doing his laundry.

Recently Kambwili could have thought he was walking into friendly fire when he agreed to appear on the Costa show on Diamond TV. It was a rude awakening even for the King of rude himself. The host Costa was at his aggressive best and turned Kambwili which every way, calling him a political prostitute and repeatedly pointing him to article 52 in the PF constitution which appears to bar him from contesting the presidency. By the time Kambwili was realizing this was not a sparring moment but an actual bout, it was too late. He and his handlers should have done their home work to know the real Diamond TV.

Obviously Kambwili as an astute politician must surely know what’s really going down in PF and consequently must have a plan B. That plan B must be the NDC. He will of course go all the way to contest at the conference so as to create a strong enough grievance to attract sympathy. The PF secretariat equally is not that naive to stop him from contesting.

The recent court ruling which declared the Saboi Imboela faction as the real NDC creates a very soft landing for Kambwili. This time round, should Kambwili leave, which is most likely, he is likely to take a huge following with him unlike before when people were still ready to bet on the PF as a ruling party. In NDC he will be accorded a reception of a triumphant King from war by the likes of the ever adoring lieutenants in Saboi, Kabwita and others. Looking at Saboi’s comments and posturing it’s clear she is playing along to this Imbwili’s grand plan.



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