Authored By *Mupishi Jones*

Can any objective and rational person support the return of the previous political governance system in this country?

Can anyone even suggest the return of that level of caderism we witnessed during the previous regime of ECL and his akawawawa boys?

Do these people have genuine Zambians support?

My take on this is that these former leaders don’t have supporters.

What they have are hangers-on, people who know they will benefit from the privileges ECL’s brutal political caderism system will offer them.

No dictator is worthy of anyone’s support since in every case they will deny freedom and free markets to operate. And it is freedom, alone, that can result in national prosperity and freedom to think, say and do as one desires .

During ECL and his akawawawa boys’ brutal regime,it was easier to mention the name of Jesus Christ in public than to shout the name of Edgar Chagwa Lungu without looking beyond your shoulders.

It was very dangerous to put on a red garment or anything associated with the opposition UPND during the rule of one ECL and his akawawawa boys.

To give a live interview on any radio station was a very dangerous and risky game by both the radio station itself and the opposition political party member during the ECL and his akawawawa boys regime.

Zambians were slowly getting used to living in fear of their ruling political party then and its cadres.
Zambians’ choices, liberties and basic freedoms were becoming limited especially during by-election campaigns.

Everything was starting and ending with the ruling political party.

Freedoms were diminishing and yet freedom is what makes life on earth livable. It is what mankind requires in order to survive and flourish.

Some people today are supporting the comeback agenda of ECL and his akawawawa boys’ government because they have a hate agenda which this ECL government will come and help them fulfil. They don’t have to do much beyond giving their They’ll never give you any convincing alternative to the current government apart from just hate speech!

The majority of us will not support this comeback agenda and these can only come to power via warped volatile electoral system and constitution with small fanatical parties backed by shady finance pretending to run coalitions.

The reason we can not support this agenda is that we’re still licking wounds of brutality inflicted on us by this same ECL and his akawawawa boys who are pretending to be the solutions to the problems they created!

Sometimes I wonder why societies tolerate such and I have come to the conclusion that,democracy is, unfortunately, weak and disorganized unless there is a long tradition of it. One group comes into power and sets up various policies; then another group comes in and undoes the work of the first group. People get confused and then frustrated because they can’t count on anything. When something bad happens, like a natural disaster, there is a lot of blame, and the people who oppose the current government — the ones who are out of power — don’t want to help the problem because they know that their opponents will take the credit. So problems don’t get the full attention of everyone in the country.

However, the question still stands, do these UKWA guys have genuine Zambians support?
I still doubt though I know there are certain sections of society supporting them with a hate agenda against the current government.
Their support is purely driven by the following;

1. Incestuously myopic thinking

2. Blind obedience to authority

3. Hatred towards tribal outsiders

4. Near illiteracy levels of under-education

5. Loyalty oriented rather than knowledge oriented

6. Rigidly hierarchical

7. Punitive-minded domineering rather than compromising negotiation-minded

8. Paranoiac delusions

In short, these motives are driven by an utter horror show of psychopathic inhumanity trapped at an atavistic level of existence.

*I submit*

*Mupishi Jones*



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