Edgar Lungu is coming back to power in 2026- Prophet Isaac Amata

Prophet Isaac Amata
Prophet Isaac Amata

Self proclaimed Prophet Isaac Amata says former President Edgar
Lung is coming back to power in 2026.

Amata says Lungu is the David of the country who will rescue
Zambians from suffering.

He President Hakainde Hichilema (HH) must pack his bags in
advance and prepare to leave the Presidency.

“President Hakainde Hichilema prepare your bags ahead in

“2026 is for former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu the David of
Zambia,” said Amata.

He says the Lord has heard the cry of Zambians and has sent his
servant (Amata) to declare fight, the spiritual fight against
the Saul of Zambia President Hichilema.

“We are passing a quick message that in 2026 the Saul
(President Hichilema) is going and the David is Coming back
(Lungu),” he said.

The quick notice has been given, the spirit controls, the Lord
is saying the one who is there the should start packing his
bags, the Lord is saying the new wind of restoration is about
to blow in the nation of Zambia the chosen one is coming back,”
Amata said.

He says the cry over Mealie Meal, economy and any other
situation is coming to an end.

Amata was saying this in a live video posted on his Facebook
page yesterday 21st May, 2024.


  1. 2026 will prove to everyone and the world over that this one is a false prophet. HH will win the election by a telling landslide. David was a shepherd and it can only be a shepherd to be a David. Who between the two is a shepherd?

  2. Please if you are a genuine prophet of God you should talk about Nigeria. Nigeria has more problems and challenges than Zambia.

  3. I really pity this guy, how many failed prophecies has he given about Zambia before? Is he not the one who gave himself an ultmetum to relinquish his prophetic work if HH did not resign by 2022. He claimed that he is the one tormenting him

  4. He has already forgotten about his false prophecies of the 2021 elections which proved what a false prophet looks like!
    Only the naive dunderheads believe in such charlatans and their wishful thinking!
    Mr Snake will be a convicted criminal by end of 2025!
    Those with a criminal record don’t qualify to stand for public office!
    Welcome to reality!

    • I wonder the so prophets only in Zambia and Confused Zambians listening to such. Is Zambia so christian than other countries?
      Please prophets of doom keep quiet. Teach people the truth of God. Are you not ashamed to recall your false prophesy?
      No message has Lungu for real Zambian. Remember that yes he has followers who failed with him in 2021 and they were more than 1 million and are still alive and are the ones making noise of insala, fuel, amalaiti umutengo but don’t offer solutions not even giving help to the suffering people.
      Let them make charitable organization and give out ubunga for free. We know some of them have grinding meals why don’t they give out free or cheap mealie meal to vulnerable people!???
      Please stop cheating yourselves. H H is going through 2026.

  5. Its democracy which will be on the ballot in 2026…
    Continue with Abuse of the rule of law, Indecent Politics, Sham elections, Compromised Institutions of Government, The Arms of Government in one person’s pocket, Daily Police Arrests, It’s our time Doctrine and Tribal Hegemony, Praise Thuggery and Tribal Zealotry, Immoral Vengeance based on distorted History, and Despotism …
    Or pursue a different path from what the country has been subjected to under this government…the answer is very clear, and one doesn’t need to be a prophet…It will be a tall order for UPND to win in 2026.
    No UPND candidate will win a Parliamentary seat on the Copperbelt …No one is talking about them..and that’s an indicator..


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