Cabinet Office
P.O. Box 30208
Independence Avenue,
Lusaka, Zambia.
Dear Secretary to Cabinet,
I trust this letter finds you in good health. I understand that the Cabinet Office is the highest administrative authority within the Public Service, responsible for coordinating the effective implementation of Government policies, systems, and procedures, as well as monitoring and evaluating the overall performance of the Public Service to ensure the efficient administration of Government. I am writing to express my concerns and seek clarification regarding the code of conduct that diplomats and attachés to foreign missions should adhere to, as they fall under the Public Service Division of your office.
It is my understanding that this code of conduct outlines the expected norms and behaviors that individuals in such positions should uphold. While I recognize that social media is often perceived as a personal platform, I firmly believe that those representing our country abroad should maintain a certain level of integrity and self-respect.
In this regard, I wish to draw your attention to the behavior of Mr. Chellah Tukuta, one of the attachés at our mission in Brazil. On several occasions, Mr. Tukuta’s actions on social media have been both concerning and disappointing. While it may be argued that he is expressing himself in a personal capacity, I am convinced that his conduct reflects on the office he holds and, by extension, tarnishes our nation’s reputation.
Mr. Tukuta’s actions have included demeaning and disgracing women, and he has frequently conducted himself in a manner that can only be described as childish and derogatory. Furthermore, he has engaged in public disputes with Zambian musicians and citizens who hold differing views, and his comments have even gone so far as to liken a woman to a dog. Such behavior is not only unacceptable but also harmful to our country’s image.
I kindly request your advice and guidance on this matter. If Mr. Tukuta’s actions are found to be in violation of the code of conduct for diplomats and attachés, I strongly recommend that he be recalled from his position to preserve the dignity of the office and safeguard Zambia’s reputation on the international stage.
I am concerned that, despite the ongoing misconduct of Mr. Tukuta, there seems to be a lack of response or concern from the UPND government and the entire Cabinet office. I believe it is crucial that we address this issue promptly and with the seriousness it deserves to maintain our nation’s integrity and uphold the principles of diplomatic decorum.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I eagerly await your response and trust that appropriate action will be taken to address this issue promptly.
Warm regards,
Douglas Leroy Namafente
Concerned Citizen