Green Party Concerned With The Safety Of Its President Over The Kwacha And Kabushi Concourt Petition


The Green Party is concerned with the safety and security of its President, Peter Sinkamba, following a pattern of threats and disturbing messages issued by unknown persons and the incumbent UPND Kwacha Member of Parliament (MP) Charles Abel Mulenga who claims president Sinkamba wants his election nullified by the Constitutional Court.

Mr. Mulenga has since been officially reported to Kitwe District Police Headquarters, and the Green Party expects the Zambia Police to professionally investigate the alleged threats by Mr. Mulenga and show the police under the “New Dawn” administration will not shield its members and MPs who engage in acts that intimidate citizens who petition the country’s courts of law.

We do not take the threats and all messages lightly and we expect the UPND leadership to condemn the intimidation of citizens who take matters to the courts to seek legal redress.

The Constitution of Zambia imposes a duty and right on all persons in Zambia to collectively uphold and defend the Constitution. It also bestows a duty on all persons in the Republic of Zambia to resist any acts that contravene the Constitution without fear or favor. It is therefore a duty and right granted to every person in the Republic to question any election held anywhere around the country if, in the view of those citizens, it goes against the Constitution and/or other electoral laws, and petition the Constitutional Court to determine the same to have been held in breach of the Constitution of Zambia.

The Green Party and its President will not be deterred by the acts of cowardice by any person or Member of Parliament who feels aggrieved by our action in defense of the Constitution, but will instead double our efforts to provide checks and balances to the Executive arm of government through all means possible legal and constitutional, including commencing public interest litigation in the Constitutional Court like the Kwacha and Kabushi case.

Daniel Sichilongo
Secretary General

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