Guard ZESCO, Don’t Fall for the Privatisation Sweet Talk-Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


Guard ZESCO, Don’t Fall for the Privatisation Sweet Talk

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba wrote;

Privatisation Reloaded; “We are selling state assets. Buy shares, own the companies. Retire and enjoy your money. Own Zambia Sugar, own Chilanga Cement, own ZCCM, own ZANACO, establish your own airline. with your friends in the diaspora”

It was a big and criminal lie.

It was mere rhetoric that gave away 225 Zambia’s key state-owned enterprises and surrendered them to multi-nationals.

What was left of Zambia? It was de-industrialised and has left us with the legacy of high unemployment.

So this talk about open access, taking transmission and distribution network off ZESCO and the introduction of net metering will but benefit multinational corporations..Check the case of Britain and France.

There is a huge debate about high energy prices and huge accumulated debt burden by domestic households.

Don’t fall for the sweet rhetoric.

And what is worrying is the manner the President, by his own confession, is literally bullying state and regulatory institutions to effect decisions on ZESCO that require consensus and in some cases parliamentary approval as provided in Article 210 of the Republican Constitution.

Remember many of the current leaders are literally agents of Independent Power Producers. They have had commercial interests in the sector for decades.

Please guard ZESCO, it’s one of the few national strategic assets remaining in the hands of the people.

If President Hakainde Hichilema is confident of these proposals about ZESCO, he should present them before Parliament as required by the Constitution. Article 210 states that any sale, transfer or change of key national assets requires two-thirds majority parliamentary approval


  1. We are dealing with bold criminals Ambassador Emmanuel Mwamba..These are bold crooks and criminals who are looking at Zambia as their play ground. Citizens are just toys. There eyes have all along been on the Zesco Transmission and Distribution infrastructure…And they are determined to get this.
    It is Independent System Operator phase 2. The CEC Way.
    And we have a President forcing a company to follow the so called cabinet decisions not backed by law? If the law is an obstacle, ignore it??? Who says such rubbish in a democracy? In countries with upright, principled politicians, many could have started resigning from his Government. Which conscience can live with some Illegal decisions Hakainde has been making?
    Only the worst praise thug can see value in this man.

    • Look whose calling “the kettle black”.
      Who left unpaid bills? Who employed their cadres as ghost workers? Who put a Board Chairman who was “ndweeee” while you plandered Zesco contracts until contractors stppped works? Now you want to show us you have mouths when your were looting ypu were quiet…what a shameful group of demagogues…

  2. Just privatize it!
    ZESCO has been used as a cash cow by politicians for too long.
    Give it to the private players and it will be managed more efficiently!

  3. Mwamba please don’t spread lies to Zambians. The National Grid in Uk is owned by private companies and regulated by Ofgem please Google.

    National Grid plc is a publicly listed company with a diverse portfolio of business interests split across the US and UK. In the UK (specifically England, Scotland and Wales, here after referred to as Britain), National Grid is the parent company of several subsidiaries that serve central functions in our energy system. These include companies that own and operate the long-range transmission infrastructure that carries gas and electricity throughout the country, as well as a system operator that ensures the balancing of supply and demand in real time. The cost of these services is paid for through “network charges” in household or business energy bills.

  4. Who is guarding ZESCO?

    The one who left an unpaid bill for power that Mozambique supplied?

    Or the one is holding back the legal consequences of this unpaid bill and talking to Mozambique for us to repay the bill and restore good relations with Mozambique?

  5. Mwamba is so full of spectulative and presumptive assertions one would wonder what is this complusives Obsessive behaviour that is fixated on Zesco.
    He doesnt possess the skillset nor competence to hold any position in the Company one would wonder if that is all he dreams about….Zesco….


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