Harry Kalaba

Breaking News……


4th November 2021

It has finally dawned on Harry Kalaba’s mind that his chances of
Survival in DP are zero.

In his futile efforts to try and cleanse himself, Harry Kalaba has been caught trying to sneak a bogus Constitution at the registrar of Societies.

Mr Kalaba who has been caught up between a hard place and a rock has come to full realisation that his pocket Constitution which he had been using has no legal standing in has far as the Registrar of Societies are Concerned.

The vigilant men and women from Registrar of Societies have since rejected the fake constitutional which Kalaba wanted to sneak in, stating that they will not entertain any alteration or any new documents on the DP file especially that the case is very active in court.

The public may recall that two weeks ago Mr Kalaba featured on Hot FM and told the nation that the DP Constitution was amended and adopted last year in November at a convention held in Chilanga and when he was challenged that he was lying on the matter, Mr. Kalaba summersaulted and went to court to lie on oath that the Constitution was amended and adopted in a meeting held on the 25th September 2021.

Contrary to his new lie, Mr Kalaba In the said meeting is heard on audio responding to a DNC member who asked him weather his actions were being guided by the Constitution or not. Mr Kalaba responded clearly by saying that what he was doing was illegal and that the party only has one old legal Constitution lodged with the Registrar of Societies and it is the Constitution which the Party went with in the elections.

We challenge all those who attended the said meeting of the 25th September 2021 to join Harry on the offence of perjury and testify on oath that the Constitution was amended and adopted on the day of the said meeting.

This has now settled the issue and shown that Harry does not only lie on Camera but also on oath.

Kalaba and Chabi together with anyone joining in lying about the Constitution which is material in the proceedings in Court risks being reported and arrested for Pejury and would be in prison for 7 years on conviction.

Attached here is an audio where Kalaba is lying on hot FM another audio where he was confessing that the Constitution he was using was illegal and that the adoption of the Constitution was pushed to another day in future, the letter from the Registra of Societies where they declined to admit his bogus Constitution and also attached is an except of our Constitution in Article 21 showing that the party has no position of Party President.

Let the Zambians judge what kind of a person Kalaba is.

Issued by

DP Media Team


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