Hichilema showing classic dictatorial tendencies – Sakwiba Sikota


Hichilema showing classic dictatorial tendencies – Saki

By Fanny Kalonda(The Mast)

LAWS should not be rushed, says United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) chairperson Sakwiba Sikota.

Sikota says President Hakainde Hichilema is not letting the police do their work thereby showing classic dictatorial tendencies.

He told The Mast that the threats to democracy are very large at the moment.

President Hichilema recently announced plans to stiffen laws on hate speech or tribalism.

“Laws should not be rushed. Laws should not be at just one individual’s whim. Laws are supposed to be discussed. The proposed laws should be put out to the general public, stakeholders to comment, on traditional leaders to comment, on churches, NGOs, to comment on. Not that a set of 23 people, that’s the Cabinet, sits down and decides that we’re going to rush through this legislation. I have got no idea what they’re proposing in that legislation,” he said. “There could be many pitfalls with it. There could be many areas where it could be improved and if we have a government which is not consultative, it’s the wrong government, that’s not the way our laws should be enacted. It appears that he’s even ordering his people to say you are going to have to do this. So even internally amongst their own party, they’ve not discussed it. That is bringing about autocratic rule. That is not the way a democracy works.”

And Sikota said the fact that all stakeholders have told the government that it is wrong not to allow rallies but they ignore has shown that they are dictators.

“He’s just showing you one example with this law that he says it’s going to run through without having consultation. You also have a situation where he’s directing the police to go and pick up an individual, he’s not letting the police do their work. He says you must reopen that case ( the Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda case], classic dictatorial tendencies. He should be staying away from interfering with what other bodies should be doing, who are supposed to be independent. There’s so many examples of dictatorial tendencies. You have a constitution and he says he doesn’t care about it so you get the Mopani thing done, totally ignoring the provisions of the Constitution,” he said. “You have the Auditor General, again the law very clear, but because he’s a dictator he decides he will just ignore the Constitution. Another sign, his last statement he says to the civil servants and to his ministers if a law is going to delay things just ignore it. Again that shows a lack of respect for the rule of law and it is absolutely dictatorial. He has an Inspector General of Police who goes and makes a blanket ban saying opposition cannot have rallies and his response is this is the best Inspector General I’ve ever had, I wish I had gotten him earlier. A person who rules by decree. Another decree he has made I’m not talking about whether it’s a good thing or not but the process is what I’m talking about. He says that the ministries and everything must put up solar panels. There’s no budget for that. Where are they going to get the money? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that putting up solar panels is wrong. Don’t get me wrong. What I’m saying is that you have to do things in an orderly fashion.”

Sikota said the government should ensure that everything is done is an orderly manner.

“You cannot just…then what’s the point of having budgets? Why go through all that process of paying MPs for three months discussing a budget if it means nothing because a dictator can come and say do this and this which was not in the budget? There are so many examples of dictatorial rule,” said Sikota. “The threats to democracy are very large. Right now we are here at the British High Commission, the last statement the British High Commission made if you remember when they saw the home affairs minister, they said this is wrong. It’s not only them who have said that, even the Human Rights Commission has said this is wrong. The churches have said this is wrong. But this government doesn’t care that everybody tells them this is wrong. They still go ahead and say no rallies. Again showing you that they are dictators.”


  1. Bo Sakwiba, you really wanted rallies, your colleague kalaba organised one rally in Kitwe – on 22/06/2024 at Kitwe ‘s changanamayi grounds under his party citizens first party but with ECL as the master speaker. Ooh I have remembered , I nearly forgot, but even you, you were one of the speakers including Sinkamba Peter who said he will start the recruitment of 2,000,000 ZNS youths but to be employed in 2026. Yabaaa.

    You can also organise one with your party vice presidents, your SG and others so that you can be the master speaker or as usual you can bring ECL as your main speaker.

    You can do so Bo Sakwiba. So that You can sale your manifesto or your UKWA bag things manifesto to Zambians

    Yabaaa. ULP party president. Bwafya PaZ

    Bo Sakwiba! president of ulp – united liberal party president. yabaaa. Aikona man weeee

  2. The Tonga moto is there for us to hear and see their sour grapes of this administration, it our time ! They came begging us to vote in numbers to insure there was majority votes. We did without thinking where the president comes from but what he can do the beautiful country as there is no economy, freedoms , jobs or law for one tribe but the collectives of all Zambians.

    To our surprise, we have become the hatred, marginalised, minority though majority, brutalised, arrested, abused, appearing in courts under the Zambezi judges with obvious bias judgements. We are arrested and jailed for hate speech when we speak the true about nepotism, tribalism and regionalism embedded into this administration which they are openly practicing, promoting and defending. The nepotism, tribalism and regionalism they are openly promoting, practicing without shame or fear. no one is arresting them because it’s their time. There are two sets of laws for Zambezi region and the rest for us that is carried by the Zambezi police Force. A minister called the people of luapula having poverty of the mind. The president has been quiet to date. The president insulted Bemba chiefs ‘ you look sad because we did not give you money, we don’t move with brown envelopes like the previous administration.’
    We have become the enemy within. The Catholic has been on the receiving hand , insulting Archbishops , Mpundu,and Banda of lusaka archdiocese . The president insulted a priest over ulutoshi and not graphs. Recalled retired Copperbelt commanding officer from Southern province summoned a priest to appear before him one of the most dangerous and stupid act that has never been done since independence even in colonial rule. Chief inspector in Kabwe entering into the bishop’s office not even In Congo this can happen because it’s their time and their trigger happy behaviours have infected their brains such that it’s free for all as long as you are Tonga. Zambia mother Zambia where are we heard to ? Three years ago we came together as brothers and sisters to fight against the injustice against anyone of us . Today we are like orphans from regions that they hate with passion.

    • I think you’re a clown. HH cannot appoint one tonga to a position in government without you people from whatever you call your region calling it tribalism. When he appoints one of your kinds, it’s okay and you’re quiet. You surprise most of us Zambians so much. When it was your time, appointing an individual from the so called Zambezi region was like doing them a favour. Out of more than 20 cabinet ministers only 3 where from your so called Zambezi region. Compare that to the current cabinet. 3/20 is shameful but to you was the way it was supposed to be. Today you even stand on mountain condemning tribalism in the current government? You must be lunatic

      • PAFWENAMWINE panyo pamako mwana wamuvigololo stop promoting tribalism sanyoko chikala iwe you can not compare PF criminals cabinet and upnd government , PF appointments it only based on two regional eastern and northern check in archives mwana wagalu iwe,let us stop promoting nosense.

  3. When a lawyer is losing his vitality, he clings for a straw for survival. When lawyer hate a person, he loses integrity. What politics can do to a tired lawyer….

  4. Sakwiba has a good point here!
    When it comes to suggestions to Amend any part of the Constitution or addition of new pieces of Legislation, “We the people” as owners of the Constitution need to be consulted and involved!
    What has been lacking under the New Dawn government is transparency, consensus building and National Dialogue!
    Only through consensus and dialogue can we establish good Laws that can stand the test of time!


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