
The United Kwacha Alliance, UKA Assembly of Presidents, AoP has appointed and approved Honourable Mumbi Phiri as the new UKA Deputy Secretary General.

Given the vast political and governance experience of Honourable Phiri, the UKA Leadership calls on the membership to support the new Deputy CEO of the alliance.

The appointment is with immediate effect.

Silavwe Jackson
Chairperson Commmuications
United Kwacha Alliance-UKA


  1. Haha Kikikiki UKA recycling PF Cadres I hope there will be no future controversies for Assaults and foul language .
    Difficult to believe this appointment given the background of PF. I propose also the appointment of Kalimanshi as political advisor to UKA.

  2. These people act as if they are bewitched, first and foremost, they have failed to hold a convention and have continued to make appointments by the word of mouth or a show of hands. They have also been advised to leave the party to the new blood, but all in vain, so far they have failed to register the alliance, but up to now still malingering. As Hon Sibong’ile Mwamba observed, there’s nothing to stay for in PF1 and UKA. In western countries, once you lose power to another party, you have to rest. For example we don’t hear of Condoliza Rice, Ivanka Trump, Mike Pompeii anymore.

  3. UKA is well-intended, BUT the cadre mentality MUST be voided at all costs!!! That’s why I am struggling to locate an alternative!!! No credible OPPOSITION sure, and yet 2026 (if not earlier) is in sight???

  4. PF conspicuously regrouping under UKWA, this will totally make UKWA unattractive, you will see tumpyongoes loading as well, my advice to UKWA is not to saturate themselves with PF sinners

  5. I hope the Madam Mumbi Phiri won’t be going out encouraging UKWA chaps to kill perceived political opponents like she did in Kaoma. That lady has blood stained hands. No remorse for ordering an assassination

  6. Yes,PF must swallow UKA.For president let them fill in ECL.Vice president or running mate let them put a woman mama Kateka.
    Saki justice minister.Kampyongo home Affairs.Kalaba for foreign affairs.Silavwe defence.Imboela gender.Pule religious affairs.Nawakwi muchinga province.Nakachinda central province.Mundubile Northwest province.Kafwaya Northern province.Mulusa Western Province.Mwamba Eastern province.Sishua Southern province.Kaiza state house adviser.Chilangwa copperbelt province.all the Sampa expelled to be fused in ministrial portfolios accordingly.Pye bola ya pa Z
    Tule lolesha fye yama!

  7. These UKWA people are not serious. Can’t they find more sober people to lead them. Lungu and Mumbi are not sober. Chitalu Chilufya or even Sakwiba Sikota would have made sense for leadership and maybe Dora Siliya as General secretary. But this combination of Lungu and Mumbi is uninspiring. I would rather vote for HH than these clueless cadres

  8. UPND people, be brave!! You are now in the army!
    Running scared of political challenge will only limit your support to your Zambezi provinces!!!

  9. UKWA is a front for PF. The same old faces who lost PF the election are still featuring prominently. Nothing has changed and to expect Mr. Lungu’s PF or UKWA to do any better if elected is wishful thinking.

    No prizes for guessing who the presidential candidate for UKWA will be. It is a forgone conclusion.


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