Lungu is UKA’s presidential candidate only to PF members – Saboi Imboela


Lungu is UKA’s presidential candidate only to PF members – Saboi

SABOI Imboela, a founding member of the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA), has clarified that while some may view former President Edgar Lungu as the ideal presidential candidate for the alliance, she believes that all potential candidates within UKA are equally eligible for the role.

In an interview with Kalemba, Imboela noted that only members of the Patriotic Front (PF) view Lungu as the best candidate for the alliance in the 2026 presidential elections, as he is their current president.

She stressed that every party member supports their own leader, and similarly, her supporters believe in her ability to lead the UKA to victory.

“So they (PF members) are well within their rights and aspirations to say what they are saying. There is nothing wrong for them to say what they are saying, but what needs to be observed is that people from other parties are also saying the same about their leaders,” Imboela told Kalemba

She also addressed concerns about internal campaigning within UKA, revealing that while all leaders are eligible to run for the presidency, the alliance has restricted members from campaigning for their Presidents as preferred candidates to prevent conflicts.

Imboela further dismissed allegations that she has disrespected Lungu through voice notes, stating she has neither made nor circulated such material.

She urged those making these claims to provide evidence.

“First of all I did not make such an audio, I did not circulate it, and I have not come across it, I am also looking for an audio where I am disrespecting president Lungu. The people that are saying that should also share it with me because I am looking for them (audios). So they should ensure they share it.”

“Even the issue of disrespecting President Lungu is not true. President Lungu is the 6th republican president of this country. He is more than  a leader, he is a father to all of us. We don’t have any former head of state,” she said.

Imboela added that the alliance is now stronger than ever as its mandate from the onset was to save the Zambian people from the UPND government, so it’s impossible for them to come up with such a great thing and end up destabilising themselves.

She said UKA’s current focus is to win the 2026 elections as its future is very bright.

“You know, when people come to an alliance, they come with different aspirations and motives so you can never know what somebody came with but what I can tell you is that UKA is very very alive and kicking, Imboela said.

“We are on course in terms of our objectives and UKA is the future of this country.”

By Buumba Mwitumwa

Kalemba September 13, 2024


  1. I stand with Madam Imboela; all candidates are equal. It is a council of Presidents. ECL shouldn’t dwarf them just because he is former President. It is true other candidates have come to join The Alliance with personal motive not for Zambia.

  2. Bo Saboi, Mr. Lungu might be your father. He is certainly NOT my father by any stretch of the imagination. Yes, he is a former president but that does not make him our father. He is just that – a former president.

    There is only ONE Father of the Nation and that is Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda, the first President of the Republic of Zambia.

    Why are people so desparate for a father figure they pick on any chaff and hang on to them like their life depends on it?


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