By Samuel Kasankha

Edgar Chagwa Lungu had been soundly defeated and rejected by Zambians. He had publicly accepted his defeat and even went to the swearing-in ceremony of his successor to hand over the instruments of power. Even in the wake of being disrespected on that occasion and soundly booed, he and his party, the Patriotic Front (PF), rendered an apology to the Zambians over the excesses of his government.

He then retired from politics and went to the quiet life of a private citizen, to try and enjoy whatever he could of being a one-time president. Home.

Zambians, who had unanimously given HH the clear mandate to “fix it” as per his campaign promises, were now expectantly waiting for the magic wand to be span into action as he began to change things. Instead, he spent the entire first half of that mandate pursuing the harmless, defeated and humbled Lungu. Apart from blaming every government and policy failure upon Lungu and his PF, government and party operatives provoked Lungu at any given opportunity, including interfering with his daily keep fit morning runs, and police attempting to literally but needlessly break into his house when he was ready to let him in for one of their questionable searches for whatever. They humiliated him!

So he decided to abandon his retirement and return to politics!! Upon his return he stated that he was back in politics to defend himself and his family from unprovoked attacks and harassment. It is said that even the most docile dog will bite you if you push it too far. Lungu was pushed too far and he started to bite!

The PF, of which he is the legitimate president, had long been infiltrated and remains in turmoil. He is traveling his new political journey in economy class, on the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) aircraft, a loose but well-knit collection of independent but fully registered political parties which has taken the country by storm. A hitherto buoyant and overconfident United Party for National Development (UPND), who once said they would rule beyond 2026 because there is no strong opposition suddenly find themselves at panic stations!! They have been tossed into making several political gaffes in order to counteract the sudden surge of popular support for and excitement over UKA and Lungu.

On the UKA flight, he is traveling in economy class because he is neither the boss nor the presidential candidate. He is an ordinary member of the UKA Council of Presidents, enjoying equal status with other presidents like Chishala Kateka of New Heritage Party, Harry Kalaba of Citizens First, Saboi Imboela of National Democratic Congress and Jackson Silavwe of Golden Party, to mention but a few.

So, having been literally dragged out of retirement, ECL has now gone full throttle after HH and those that hounded him out of his constitutionally earned retirement (with benefits). This is not very much about him desiring to replace HH with himself but to eliminate him from State House because in his estimate – which is also shared by millions of Zambians who are disaffected with HH’s leadership style, he has lamentably failed to manage the country.

It is THESE millions of Zambians who get overly excited and exuberantly cheer Lungu whenever they see him in public, their shout being unanimously that LIFE WAS NOT AS HARSH UNDER LUNGU AS IT IS UNDER HH. In the view of many, between HH and Lungu coming back, they are ready to welcome back Lungu, also known by his initials ECL and (fondly) as Adada in some circles.

The chances though are that every effort will be made to block him from standing again. Some petitions that some people suggest are are state engineered are before court and more manoeuvres (famously called imingalato by the republican president himself) can be expected between now and August 2026 when Zambia votes again for a new president.

The comforting thing is that Lungu has undertaken that if he is not elected within UKA as its presidential candidate, or if he is blocked through legal or other means, he will pool ALL his supporters towards voting for whichever other candidate UKA will elect. And that support is in droves, arguably way more than the 4 million put together who voted in 2021.

The UPND’s political amateurism and mass frustration by the populace have resurrected not just Lungu but many hitherto apathetic voters who are now busy checking in hidden spaces for their voter’s cards or waiting to line up and be registered as voters in time for 2026.


  1. When did Mr. Lungu and his PF render an apology to us Zambians? I missed out on that! If anything, all they have shown is arrogance and absolutely no remorse. They think their rule was democratic and more progressive than the current regime.

    The “harmless” defeated Lungu must be vigorously pursued for the damage he caused our country. His family became stinking rich from his corruption (uubomba mwibala alya mwibala). His wife is on record as having given her niece USS400,000 for safekeeping. And you want us to frfef abut that?

    Mr. Lungu is back because he wants to safeguard his ill gotten wealth and loot some more. He will simply pick up from where he left off. And this time he will give us a double dose of hell.

  2. Lungu didn’t retire as such he was just Observing. It is clear on presidential benefits you are back in politics you lose benefits. It is true lungu is not fighting for Zambians but for himself and his family. Imagine K65million cash in bags. Wife giving someone $400,000 for safe keeping.
    When did lungu & pf apologised to Zambians?
    Lungu can’t retire as long as is HH is the
    President this is unfinished business to ECL.
    Yes UPND has made mistakes and wrong things but bring back lungu in state House is death sentence. Most of the economic hardships we passing through is because of carelessness of lungu. Lungu is coward who failed to face the economy as it was and lived on borrowed money.

  3. We did warn soon after the last election that the only thing that would bring ECL and notorious PF was the ineptitude, carelessness and stupidity of UPND!
    And it’s looking certain to happen!
    Lies, Lame excuses, lack of humility, “the I don’t care attitudes,” the “I know it all attitudes,” nepotism and rampant corruption and double dealings by the fallen angels have been the downfall of UPND!
    It will take serious change of attitudes and perhaps a miracle for UPND to win back the hearts of Zambians!
    It’s an abomination for a Church Elder to peddle falsehoods, injustice, corruption, wickedness and not keeping his word!
    Now you can understand why Messiah cursed the Fig tree!
    It was full of fake promises!


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