September 11, 2024

Government says the Comprehensive Regional Development Plan for Lusaka is set to expand the City by about 35 kilometers into Chilanga, Chongwe, and Chibombo Districts.

Local Government and Rural Development Minister GARY NKOMBO says the extension will begin from the central post office to incorporate the surrounding districts.

Mr. NKOMBO says the development strategy includes significant improvements in infrastructure, transport systems, and land use.

Speaking when a team from JICA paid a courtesy call on him at his office, Mr. NKOMBO thanked JICA for its crucial support in the transformative project aimed at addressing Lusaka’s rapidly growing population.

And JICA Deputy Country Representative, KEITA IZUMI said the project which began in 2023, aims to complete the comprehensive regional development plan by May 2025.

Mr. IZUMI is optimistic that the plan will drive significant economic growth and harmonize development across Lusaka and its surrounding areas.



    • Once an area urbanises, it’s not possible for any traditional ruler to preside over it due to lack of apparatus. Do chiefs employ architects, engineers, accountants, doctors lawyers etc? What’s at issue is Lusaka City Council’s inability to do anything respectable. Landscaping at the civic centre itself is of informal sector standard.

  1. Heard it all before. It actually started around 1989 when Ken Kaunda was still in office as President of the Republic of Zambia. For any modern settlement to be viable, it needs a certain minimum number or ratio of permanent residents and businesses in receipt of incomes which can then be taxed to provide local public services. And it’s not just about collecting tax from businesses and residents, but also about spending the revenue properly. Lusaka mayor Chilando Chitangala looks ridiculous in her top-of-range Nissan Patrol official vehicle when her Lusaka City Council is not even in control of the city’s growth. To be fair to her, the vehicle was bought by Miles Sampa during his time as mayor.

  2. The Lusaka City Council has failed to effectively provide municipal services to a smaller area. It seems the solution is to enlarge the area of responsibility according to the government and its partner the JICA. How sensible is that? It will still be the same old and failing institution. Part of the problem lies in who qualifies to stand as councillor. Previouly, you needed to be a property owner or business owner to qualify. Such people are already contributing to the revenues of the local authority and were expected to be interested parties in the orderly development of the local government area.


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