Mimbula paid me US$350, 000 for finding it customers to buy dumps – Lusambo

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Mimbula paid me US$350, 000 for finding it customers to buy dumps – Lusambo

FORMER Lusaka province minister Bowman Lusambo said he was a sales person for Mimbula Mining Consortium and was paid US$350,000 for finding it clients to purchase its mineral dump in Chingola on the Copperbelt province.

In his defense before magistrate Faidess Hamaundu, The Bulldozer said in 2015 he was appointed as a consultant by the company and was paid for his services.

Lusambo said some time in 2013, he was approached by small mining associations on the Copperbelt which formed a consortium called Mimbula Mining consortium, which has dumps  in Kapisha area in Chingola.

“I had discussions with the Board of Directors and they requested me to find them a buyer who could buy one of the dumps called OB. I accepted and they appointed me as  their Consultant and discussions started in 2013 and was appointed in 2015,”Lusambo said.

“I started working, looking for the buyer in 2015. I came across a company called Tikumbe operating as Zomran Mining and Exploration Limited. I had a discussion with the Chairman for Zomran and the directors they were interested to see what the OB damp was like in Chingola.”

He said the board agreed to assess the damp in Chingola and they met the Board Chairman Albert Kabungo.

“We went to view the dump and Zomran invited us for a meeting in Lusaka after expressing interest. I was given instructions by Mimbula Mining that I can sale the damp at the price of my choice. Mimbula as company wanted to sell the damp at US$2 million and told me to get US$350,000 as consultancy fee,” Lusambo said.

“After the negotiations Zomran mining Exploration Limited they told me to reduce the price from US$2 million and would give me a commission.  And we reduced from US$2 million to US$1.4 million and Zomran gave me K6 million Kwacha cash in 2015.”

He said Mimbula gave him part payment of US$ 150,00 as consultancy fee and put it in writing that it owed him US$250,000

Lusambo said the aggregate sum was US$350, 000.

Earlier, the Bulldozer said following his transfer on February 14, 2018 as Lusaka province minister, he was entitled to a salary, housing allowance, fuel and he was getting allowances for whenever he travelle.

“As Lusaka province minister I took trips outside the province and the country aswel. I had a trip into DRC, Germany, USA, as minister of the province and allowances were paid. Presidential assignments within the province were also paid for,” Lusambo said.

“We had a twinning program for the 10 provinces with the provinces in China. All provincial ministers had a 21- day duty in China and allowances were paid to me and other ministers. After coming back as Lusaka province minister I went back together with my team to a province called Shandong to go and strengthen our twinning program which had started between Chongwe Council and Shandong province.”

He said the permanent  secretary for Lusaka province paid him his allowances for 10 days.

“I participated in many programs under my province, the office of the vice president , DMMU, to engage in programs when this country was faced with floods and droughts,” Lusambo said.

“We had Covid programs under the office of the vice president, I was required to coordinate my team, the DC, provincial health office to come up with programs to sensitize the people on the dangers of COVID-19 and how we can protect ourselves.”

He said during pandemic he worked 24/7 to ensure that the pandemic was controlled and he worked with government departments, Police, health officers, and DMMU.

“As Bowman Lusambo I did some consultancy, but before coming to consultancy I want the court to know that I have served Kabushi as MP for three terms. Allowances and salaries were paid, gratuity was paid and committee allowances. I was a chairman of the committee and I was  getting more  than other committee members,” said Lusambo.

Lusambo is facing 10 corruption-related charges before the Economic and Financial Crimes Court; among them one count of corrupt acquisition of public property, five counts of possessing property suspected to be proceeds of crime, three counts of tax evasion and one count of conspiracy to defraud.

He is jointly charged with his wife Nancy Manase for possessing four houses in Silverest Gardens, Chongwe which were suspected to be procceds of crime.

Defense is still underway.

By Mwaka Ndawa

Kalemba September 10, 2024.


  1. US$350,000 for finding a customer? Hope Mr. Lusambo also paid tax for this windfall and Mimbula likewise paid their dues to ZRA.

    If not, both are caught between the devil and the deep sea.

  2. How does a government minister provide consultancy services to an organisation seeking a licence or that got a licence from the government in which he was serving? How did the mining company account for what it paid Bowman Lusambo? We’re becoming a country where none of this matters when it comes to seeking public office.

  3. So why can’t you prove it in court if it’s true. Show the bank transfers, the receipts, the contract agreements, the tax paid and income declared for that year. Very easy to verify. By the way if mimbula and Zoran are also lying just to help you then let the authorities also investigate the source of income, business records, income declared and tax paid for those years by those companies too.


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