Mafinga Member of Parliament Robert Chabinga and his counterpart Morgan Ng’ona have engaged Lawyer Lewis Mosho and Company to push back their removal from the Central Committee of the Miles Sampa led PF faction.

Sources close to the matter say apart from filing for an injunction, the Speaker of National Assembly has been advised to ignore Sampa’s letters as only the party’s Secretary General is constitutionally mandated to communicate such a decision, not the President.

The Chabinga camp has argued that no records have been changed at the Registrar of Societies where Ng’ona still remains the registered SG, sources say.

KBN TV understands that a plan is underway to dislodge and expel Sampa from his position as PF faction leader on the premise he didn’t consult anyone and has acted unilaterally on most decisions.

A few days ago, Sampa wrote to the Speaker of the National Assembly to inform her that Chabinga, who was serving as Leader of Opposition in Parliament had been replaced by Kampamba Mulenga. Sampa also replaced Chief Whip with Brenda Nyirenda.

According to Sampa, Ng’ona who was serving as faction Secretary General has since been removed from his position and Hazel Kapeta has been appointed as acting Deputy SG.

Recent pictures that emerged of ECL with Sampa on social media have been fuelling speculation about a possible reconciliation between the two faction leaders which hasn’t gone down well by those who are rumoured to have been sponsoring and drawing political capital out of the PF confusion.

Pundits say the next few days will be crucial for the future of PF as Sampa faces potential expulsion and the ECL eligibility ruling coming up on July 8.

Going forward, the PF leadership will urgently need to put aside personal and sentimental attachments and endeavor to make some smart but difficult decisions that will secure the party’s relevance in the coming elections in 2026.



  1. I was expecting this move from Robert Chabinga and Ng’ona…The Mingalatoon has chosen to fight through Chabinga….But it is a risky strategy..Miles Sampa might be sitting on a mountain of sensitive information ranging from that illegal PF assembly, to activities of the registrar of Societies, to the Ministry of Home Affairs, to the Zambia Police, to the National Assembly and it’s speaker, the Clerk of the National Assembly…and even our Courts.
    There were also some allegations of forgery and fraud of the correspondence between the National Assembly and the registrar of Societies..Allegations Of letters being altered.
    If the Mingalatoon chooses to fight on , he will sink big time.
    All it will take is Miles Sampa taking to the podium and spewing the rotten beans…and the character of the Mingalatoon will be known by the whole world…his abuses of the rule of law, and state Institutions will be laid bare…That will be his end.
    That’s what happens when useless Mingalatos get into some one’s head…

    UKA Lisha belu….. It’s curtains for the Mingalatoon.

  2. I was expecting this move from Robert Chabinga and Ng’ona…The Mingalatoon has chosen to fight through Chabinga….But it is a risky strategy..Miles Sampa might be sitting on a mountain of sensitive information ranging from that illegal PF assembly, to activities of the registrar of Societies, to the Ministry of Home Affairs, to the Zambia Police, to the National Assembly and it’s speaker, the Clerk of the National Assembly…and even our Courts.
    There were also some allegations of forgery and fraud of the correspondence between the National Assembly and the registrar of Societies..Allegations Of letters being altered.
    If the Mingalatoon chooses to fight on , he will sink big time….
    All it will take is Miles Sampa taking to the podium and spewing the rotten beans…and the character of the Mingalatoon will be known by the whole world…his abuses of the rule of law, and state Institutions will be laid bare…That will be his end.
    That’s what happens when useless Mingalatos get into some one’s head…

    UKA Lisha belu….. It’s curtains for the Mingalatoon.

  3. PF members are enemies of their destinies. Most of the members are unprincipled and unobjective . The members don’t like to transparent and accountable to their actions. They love shifting blame on their differences to unknown people with the purpose to glorify themselves as upright persons.
    The ascendancy of ECL as PF presidential candidate in 2015 was chaotic by reason of infighting within the Party. Today,the real enemy of PF is their members with their uncultured language….

  4. Let drama unfold. Mbappe is Mbappe, man of the match in this whole circus. People didn’t take him seriously but he’s got the keys to himself.


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