Charles Kakoma
Charles Kakoma

By Ernest Chanda

MULONDWE Muzungu has advised Charles Kakoma to rejoin the UPND where he served for 22 years.

Kakoma, who ditched the UPND on March 30, 2021 to join the PF, two weeks ago left the former ruling party but has not yet joined any political grouping.

Muzungu, a veteran politician said Kakoma has done well to “ditch the PF ship”.
“My friend should know that he has just done well by abandoning the PF ship and offering an apology to his brothers and sisters in the UPND. Now he should not dither, he should not even make any stop on the way,” he said.

“Let him come straight home to the UPND. The doors are wide open. His situation can be likened to the biblical prodigal son who left home to go tither. But when things did not work, he went back home where he was warmly welcomed. I am sure that he too will be warmly welcomed back for that is where he actually belongs.”

Muzungu said Kakoma’s departure from UPND was a grave mistake.

He further advised all those seeking to rejoin the party to do so without hesitation.

“I am calling on my colleague and friend honourable Charles Wahuna Kakoma, he must come back home for that is where he belongs. His departure from home to the PF was a grave and sad miscalculation precipitated by failing hope after 22 long years of struggle in the opposition,” said Muzungu.

“Upon hearing that he had left home to jump into the defective PF ship in stormy and critical weather, my heart burnt. I concluded that he hadn’t noticed and read the writing on the wall. The PF ship will never sail again. It will never rise again. Out there, in case there are people who are in a similar situation, they should also consider what I have said to honourable Charles Wahuna Kakoma. They too should come back home.”


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