I have just finished watching a derogatory, hateful and anti Zambian documentary done by a foreign news agency and a foreign government. If it had just ended at that, I would have remained silent and simply allowed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to diplomatically deal with this by raising a red flag.
However, the scary part is that this anti Zambian documentary is a handy work of five Zambians in collaboration with a foreign government. Mr Fred Mmembe, Mr. Given Lubinda, Mr Raphael Nakachinda, Mr Emmanuel Mwamba and Mr Chilufya Tayali joined hands with the ZANU-PF of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation to produce one of the most irresponsible videos in recent history.
The five Zambians took turns to misinform, to lie, to insult and falsely accuse the President of the Sovereign Republic of Zambia, Mr Hakainde Hichilema of allegedly deriving or having a mandate from Western Imperialists to effect regime change in all the countries that are led by liberation movements in our region.
Fellow Zambians, this reckless behavior borders on espionage. To suggest that your President is working to topple neighboring governments on behalf of the West is one of the most dangerous and irresponsible statements or acts I have ever seen from any set of politicians in Zambia’s history. This is now beyond politics.
The five Zambians also took turns to defame, insult, and lie about me, my home and my Christian Ministry, claiming that I was nominated SADC Head of Mission in the Zimbabwe election to fulfill the alleged mandate of President Hichilema to effect regime change in Zimbabwe. They made all these allegations in collaboration with a foreign government. I know that as politicians, it is normal to aspire to lead and be presidents at some point, but, it must never be taken to this level of desperation where you work against the security of your own country. The breach that has been created by these five Zambians may take many years to heal between our two countries.What the five Zambians have done is what traitors do.
Fellow Zambians, this is no longer politics. It is national sabotage. These colleagues are a danger to Zambia’s security. If the assault on Zambia was only by the five Zambians we would have calmed ourselves that they are simply looking for political relevance, but when they do it in cohorts with a foreign government it changes color into an assault on the internal security of the nation.
In their minds, they probably thought this was a wonderful platform to insult and defame both the President of Zambia, Mr Hakainde Hichilema and myself who was nominated by him in his capacity as Chair of the SADC TROIKA on defense, politics and security to lead the SADC observer mission.
In our ongoing efforts as a nation to introduce responsible politics of morality and integrity, the justice system must take special interest in this national breach and allow the five Zambians to prove their injurious claims in the courts of law.
Meanwhile, l will stand on the truth, and the truth shall not change. No amount of intimidation or personal attacks can move or sway me. I’ve chosen this path, to live by truth, and by conscious, and beyond this, I can do no other. These attempts to try to smear my reputation with lies and all sorts of character assassination will yield nothing, except to raise an even bigger army of young Africans who cannot be bought, or sold, who can neither be intimidated nor blinded by your twisted propaganda and trust me, they will stand up, and be counted.
Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba