Open Letter to President Hakainde Hichilema


Open Letter to President Hakainde Hichilema

Your Excellency,

It is with a heavy heart that I pen this letter, reflecting on the state of governance under your administration over the past three years. The hope and optimism that accompanied your resounding victory in 2021 driven by the votes of 2.8 million Zambians are quickly dissipating. The people who believed in your promises of change and transformation are increasingly disappointed as their expectations remain unmet.

The Zambian people did not vote for political vendettas. They voted for solutions to the challenges affecting their lives high costs of living, unaffordable fuel prices, rampant corruption like you claimed, and a struggling economy. Your campaign was built on a foundation of promises to ameliorate these challenges and restore trust in governance. Sadly, the reality today tells a different story.

Your Excellency, it is disheartening to see your administration remain fixated on former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. While you tirelessly fought him during your time in opposition, one would have expected that, upon assuming office, your focus would shift toward fulfilling your promises to the Zambian people. Instead, your government seems determined to perpetuate this political rivalry.

Let me remind you, political battles are settled at the ballot box. The Zambian people gave you their mandate in a landslide victory, but instead of focusing on the issues that matter, your administration has prioritized using constitutional amendments and the judiciary to consolidate political power. This approach undermines the trust and goodwill of the very people who voted for you.

Your Excellency, the energy and resources you are expending to undermine Edgar Lungu’s eligibility could be better utilized in tackling the corruption within your own administration. Ministries such as Health and Mines, as well as institutions like the National Road Fund Agency (NRFA), are embroiled in scandals that erode public trust. The sugilite scandal, the gold scandal that was inexplicably turned into  copper by your Minister of Mines, and the lack of accountability across sectors paint a troubling picture.

You campaigned on a platform of fighting corruption, but your actions suggest a selective approach. The Zambian people are watching, and they see double standards in your governance. True leadership begins with introspection cleaning up one’s own house before pointing fingers at others.

The challenges facing Zambians today are grave. The cost of living is unbearably high, with many families struggling to afford basic necessities. Youth unemployment remains a ticking time bomb, and small scale farmers are grappling with delayed inputs due to poor policies inorder for them to access the inputs. The much touted economic revival remains a mirage for the average citizen.

Your focus on political battles will not reduce the cost of mealie meal. It will not create jobs. It will not improve public healthcare. These are the issues Zambians care about, and they demand your attention and strategic approach not rhetoric.

Your Excellency, the introduction of the proposed Cybersecurity Bill appears to be a move to suppress dissent and stifle criticism. If you believe silencing the voices of concerned citizens will prolong your stay in office, you are mistaken. Zambians are resilient, and history has shown that attempts to curtail their freedoms only fuel their resolve.

Instead of introducing laws to silence critics, your administration should focus on delivering tangible results. The trust of the people cannot be commanded it must be earned through integrity, transparency, and service.

Your Excellency, the time has come to sober up and take full responsibility for the state of the nation. Fighting Edgar Lungu’s eligibility will not improve the lives of Zambians. It will not fix the economy, nor will it restore the hope that so many had when they cast their votes for you in 2021.

The Zambian people demand leadership that prioritizes their needs above political distractions. They demand accountability and action to address corruption in your administration. They demand solutions to the pressing issues of unemployment, rising costs, and economic instability.

History will judge your presidency not by how you silenced your critics but by how you transformed Zambia into a better nation for all its citizens. Step away from the politics of vengeance and rise to the challenge of true leadership. Focus on the mandate you were given work for the people, and let that be your legacy, you have the opportunity to create a better Zambia for all, all what you need is  putting your house in order.

Yours sincerely,
Abraham Simpamba
Together We Can
Ichalo Bantu!


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