Oscar Pistorious is dating a new woman who bears a striking resemblance to the ex-girlfirend he murder£d


Oscar Pistorious is dating a new woman who bears a striking resemblance to the ex-girlfirend he murder£d.

Olympic and Paralympic sprint legend Oscar Pistorius, 38, was convicted in 2014 in the shooting de@th of model and law graduate Reeva Steenkamp, 29, at his South African home on Valentine’s Day 2013.

He was released in January 2024 but was placed on strict parole and must abide by certain rules.

Since his release nearly a year ago, Pistorius has reportedly found love again, according to the South African newspaper Netwerk24.

The mother of the South African model murdered by Oscar Pistorius has now sent a chilling warning to his new girlfriend, who looks so much like her de@d daughter.

“He was angry — and he still has a problem with anger,” June Steenkamp, 78, mother of his former girlfriend, told the Sun on Sunday, Dec 15.

Oscar dating Rita Greyling, 33, a business management consultant from Wakkerstroom, Mpumalanga, who is a long-term friend of the family.

Though details on their relationship are being kept private, sources close to the couple confirmed to Netwerk24 last week that they are romantically involved.

Steenkamp’s heartbroken mother has spoken out since the news of her daughter’s killer’s new romance broke and wants his girlfriend to be wary of his “red flag.”

“I don’t understand how she doesn’t see a red flag about him because he has not lost his temper problem,” June told the Sun.

“He was supposed to be under anger management when he was in jail and at one stage I stopped him coming out because I was annoyed that he wasn’t having treatment.”

The mother said she and her husband, Barry, convinced parole chiefs to block the killer’s release twice over fears he still posed a threat.

June, who founded the Reeva Steenkamp Foundation Against The Abuse of Women and Children, said she believes that Pistorius is “still a danger to women.”

“Reeva only knew him for three months and she was dead and he’s never confessed,” she shared.

“It’s not painful for me that he’s with this young woman — I’m just worried about her,” June added.

Simone Cowburn, 59, the older sister of Reeva expressed shock at reports that Oscar has found love again just months after leaving jail for her sister’s murder.

Simone, who doted on kid sister Reeva Steenkamp, wept yesterday, Dec. 15, as she read the story of Oscar not only beginning to rebuild his life but finding a new woman after serving only nine years behind bars.

Simone said at her home in Port Elizabeth, South Africa: “I am just looking at this woman’s photographs and I have goosebumps and shivers going down my spine at this moment.

“What shocks me is that she looks so much like my Reeva. She is the same build, the same face and hair, even the same eyes. Is he that sick that he wanted to find a lookalike?

“I have to ask myself that having killed Reeva did he want to replace her with another?

“I also have to ask myself how a woman can close her eyes at night and go to sleep with a man she knows fired four bullets that mutilate flesh into a woman he says he loved.

“Those bullets were Black Talon bullets that are illegal to even use on animals but he put one bullet in my Reeva’s head and three more into her body that did terrible things.

“How can you cuddle up to a man that you know has that trigger lurking inside him?

“It just goes to show me even more that he has no remorse for what he did to Reeva.

“Reeva found Oscar totally charming to start with for the first three months and no doubt the same as this woman does but then he changes and becomes more controlling.

“He became very possessive and Reeva wanted out but Oscar would not allow it. I will always be convinced she ended the relationship that night and he lost all control.

“If he couldn’t have her no-one could so he got his gun and shot her. He murdered her. Those were specialised bullets that mushroom on impact with the human flesh.

“This new woman knows a judge found him guilty of murd£r which means she must know that he has been found capable of doing that to a woman but she sleeps with him?

“I have nothing against her but will warn her to sleep with one eye open. He has inside him the potential to do again what he did to Reeva and I don’t want that ever repeated.

“He will always have anger issues and to a degree I can understand that having had such a tough childhood having his legs amputated at birth and his mum dy!ng when he was 15.

“His father couldn’t cope and he moved in with his uncle so life was tough for him and I get that but unfortunately the anger he has inside him boils over and it led to a murd£r.

“I know as part of his parole he has to go to anger management classes and gender-based v!olence classes but as far as I am concerned it is always somewhere there inside him.

“I am just so shocked he has chosen a woman that looks so like my Reeva. I can’t help thinking that having got rid of one Reeva he has gone out and got another” she said.

The Steenkamp family has always claimed Reeva was k!lled deliberately in a fit of temper after she fled to the bathroom of his home.

At his trial, Pistorius claimed he shot Steenkamp through the bathroom door of his luxury home because he thought she was a burglar.

Pistorius — once an international celebrity who became a household name in 2012 as the first double amputee to run in the Olympics — was initially sentenced to five years in jail for culpable hom!cide, but prosecutors appealed the light sentence, and he was resentenced to 13 years and five months.

The double amputee served over half of that sentence — only spending nine years behind bars.


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