Percy Chanda


8 TH JUNE 2021


PF and the Police Command must stop creating unnecessary tension in the Country. We had elections before and will continue having elections. But why is this year’s election being managed with a lot of tension? We urge PF and the Police Command to quickly come to terms that Zambians have rejected PF with its message of the so called massive infrastructure development.

Both PF and the Police have failed to provide answers on why and who gassed Zambians. Zambians through the ballot will be asking why they were given expired drugs. Zambians will also seeking answers on why PF carders have been killing and maiming innocent people with impunity. Zambians will use their vote to stamp out corruption and shielding of corrupt elements in PF, the issue that your former chief Government spokesperson openly admitted. Which normal person can vote for people with such a record? Not even Lucifer would vote for PF; leave HH alone.

Zambians are not a problem, but you PF and your Police Command are a problem to the Zambian people. Both of you are living in denial that PF is very unpopular. Create peace for yourselves by accepting that PF is going, come what may. The best PF can do is to start preparing for their exit. You took over a peaceful Country and you should leave it in peace if both of you don’t want to end up at the Hague Don’t behave like a suicide bomber who would like to die along with innocent people

We warned you that don’t base your popularity on by election results. You kept on cheating yourselves that you were popular by going in a ward or constituency bribing voters with all sorts of things. You thought you were too cleaver by having high numbers of voters in areas you cheated yourself were your strongholds. Are you not surprised and ashamed that even in the wards and constituencies where you claimed to have won; now people don’t want you anymore?

Through ECZ you allowed political parties to do road shows, but now it’s a treasonable offence for HH to do road shows in your bed rooms. By your careless and irresponsible behavior you are making HH more and more popular. HH is about to make history to win an election without campaigning UBUNCHENJESHI BWANKOKO PUNWA TASAKAMANA.

Percy Chanda

UPND – Chairman for Mines and Freedom Fighter


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