An eye witness who was also passenger in the Power Tools bus described the ordeal to Lilayi Radio Online of the events that occured on that fateful morning on Thursday 27 July 2023.
The passenger who preferred to remain anonymous herein refered to as “Passenger 57” ofcourse not in relation to Wesly Snipes’ 747 action thriller from 1992 but well, he explained that;
The Power Tools bus was the first bus from Ndola to Lusaka and started off at 05.30 Thursday morning 27 July 2023.
There was a truck that was trying to overtake his fellow truck driver by the junction of Luansobe Market.
The incident happened at the curve of Luansobe Market but before Kashitu along the stretch to Chafunta in Kapiri area.
Passenger 57 added that, Initially this truck was headed for a head on collision with another on coming vehicle, fortunately the truck retracted, returning to his lane suddenly but leaving its trailer obstructing the Power Tools bus whose driver in the process of avoiding to hit the back of the truck’s trailer, swerved into the bush with the bus only coming to a complete stop after hitting a tree.
Fortunately, only 3 passengers got injured and all others are alive and well.
Further, the bus only had impact on its front part damaged front suspension.
The truck did not stop at the scene and continued his journey leaving all the passengers in the Bower Tools bus feared for dead and stranded.
CREDIT: Lilayi Online Radio. Like and follow.
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