President HH’s insensitive, careless remarks is actually inciting social unrest or popular uprising against himself- Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


Stop Crying, install solar-HH

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba wrote;

President Hakainde Hichilema,besides his own monumental failure to govern and resolve the economic and social crises of the country is facing, is his own enemy.

Zambians are struggling to accept that he will never deliver on his many campaign promises, are inundated with new promises. He lied, and he has continued to lie.

Further, it is arrogance, insensitivity in his public utterances, and failure to apologise for his mistakes and numerous past lies that incence citizens.

● to the unemployed, he says they are lazy and requests them to work hard, mocking them that there is no “tantameni,” and his government will only promote hard work. How can anyone engage in hard work without a job or economic opportunities?

● to the small-holder farmers crying for farming inputs and food as a result of crop failure,he asks them to grow more food.

● to Zambians without electricity, he asks them to buy solar equipment.

● His Vice President W.K. Mutale Nalumango urged Zambians to eat Kandolo and roller meal as options to the expensive bread and breakfast mealie-meal.

President Hakainde, by his insensitive, careless remarks and approach and his show of utter disconnectedness to the duffering of the people, is actually inciting social unrest or popular uprising against himself.

Lessons from the French Revolution

“Let them eat cake” is the most famous quote attributed to Marie-Antoinette, the queen of France during the French Revolution.

The queen’s response upon being told that the protestors were starving peasant subjects eho had no bread to eat.

“Let them eat cake!” was her option.

She was oblivious to the fact that cake was far more expensive than bread, the anecdote has been cited as an example of obliviousness by disconnected governing leaders to the daily conditions and suffering of the masses.


  1. You say President Hakainde Hichilema,besides his own monumental failure to govern and resolve the economic and social crises of the country is facing, is his own enemy.
    You left this economy in a mess and UPND has managed to stabilise the economy and even started settling the huge debt your corrupt party left. Here you are without an iota of shame busy spreading lies.
    You and your useless opposition colleagues did not say anything about the deals the President signed in China to help the country during this energy crisis.
    Though am not a believer of Humanism, I like the 5th principle:
    “Humanism declares that a willingness to work hard is of prime importance without it nothing can be done anywhere…”
    So Mwamba ,what is wrong with telling people to work hard? Nimwe mwatumpike abantu to free things. Tell your pf members to work hard.

  2. Hard times create hard men. Some see opportunity in hardship, others wail like babies. Choice is yowaz. Climate change is a disaster, no one could have predicted how bad things would get. Stop demonising hard working, selfless leaders when you did little to nothing about the crisis when you were in power.

  3. HH has ensured that ZESCO built a sub-station next to his private home and that he has power 24/7. My question is why did HH not do what he is asking poor citizens to do by installing solar panels on his private home? Is this how HH can mock and insult poor Zambians?

  4. People like Mr. Mwamba really surprise me on how they think. Surely the president’s call is an encouragement for the people to double their efforts during the time of crisis and not relax it is not to say they are not working hard. Did he want president HH to tell people to go to sleep or relax during this time of serious challenges? Even at personal if one faces so challenges, they work even harder so that they come out of the challenges, they don’t start complaining that I’m already working hard so I should go to sleep when are faced with challenges.

  5. Good Opposition should be one that offers viable alternatives to problems.
    Crying Wolf in order to incite civil and social unrest will not help us and government should make sure agitators of civil unrest are kept in check!
    When the going gets tough, its time to toughen up!
    Complaining won’t solve anything.
    A Devastating drought like this one should not be blamed on the current President!
    It is a man-made problem over the many years of harmful human activities.
    The government so far has done very well to try and mitigate the effects of dwindling power resources.
    Take advantages of the incentives being floated.
    Borrowing to invest in Solar energy is good borrowing!
    It will pay off!

      • Honestly speaking, mwamba and his cartels of crooks are irritating indeed.. were we not told by them that if we are to expect power in a normal way, then we need to go and urinate in kariba dam. Then, who has urinated for mwamba to expect abrupt end to power crisis. UPND media, counter these hallucinating opposition. U can see that their cry is just to get back into power and continue looting. They are biiter

    • Very well put. How will it benefit us if just start complaining instead of doubling our efforts to resolve the current challenges?

  6. The biggest problem that most opposition political parties in Zambia is that they think being negative in everything is what will get into power.

    Rarely do they explain how they intend to do things in a better way than the ruling party. For example, which opposition party has focused on explaining its manifesto?

  7. Every cloud has a silver lining. You can chose to mourn about loadshedding or flow with the prevailing circumstances and make the best of the situation. If this power crisis had befallen us with PF in power, I shudder to think what our lot would have been.

    PF were big on insults and short on solutions. Their best game was plundering. With the current government, I know we will emerge stronger whereas with PF, we would have gone over the edge of the cliff.

    Yes, things are tough but I know we will be victorious in the end. The UPND government is laying a solid foundation for future prosperity as opposed to PF populist policies which landed us in a debt crisis.


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