Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba wrote,;

Just the other week, he was apologising to the Catholic Church saying he doesn’t hate or fight the Church.
Yet he;
● allowed UPND Secretary General, Batuke Imenda to call Archbishop Alick Banda, “the Lucifer of Zambia.”

● His police harrassed Fr. Chewe Mukosa of Ndola to the extent that it issued a police call-out.

● His panga-wielding cadres stormed the catholic parish in Mpika where Yusuf Radio is housed. The violent cadres were attempting to prevent Citizen First President, Harry Kalaba from appearing on the radio station.

● his policemen stormed the offices of Bishop  Clement Mulenga of Kabwe Diocese because he had received and was hosting former President Edgar Lungu, in a courtesy call.

● his rogue online media, run from State House, issues the worst insults and hate speech against Archbishop Alick Banda, Socialist President Fred Mmembe and all of us.

● Now a witness, former ZRA Board Secretary, Suzyo Ngandu, was called to testify in the Financial and Economic Crimes Court where former ZRA Commissioner General, Kingsley Chanda and Director, Calistus Kaoma are charged with abuse of authority regarding the disposal of 22 vehicles. In her testimony, Ngandu said 3 vehicles were allegedly given to the Heart of Mercy, Derrick Mpundu and Archbishop Alick Banda.

Now it’s the subsequent and coordinated reportage of this evidence by the State to expose and grant maximum embarrassment to Archbishop Alick Banda, who has been a constant subject of their attacks. The state house run rogue page Koswe, proceeded to call him a car thief and dropped the title he holds as Archbishop of Lusaka. Infact senior journalist present have expressed surprise at the twisted story.

He wrote; “This testimony as carried by Daily Mail, ZNBC and Koswe is totally false. The witness never said that. Someone must produce verbatim story. ZRA never gave any vehicle to the Archbishop. It’s totally false”.


  1. The Archbishop has been exposed! Kikikikiki. What has HH got to do with the expose? If Mwamba is taken out o court to prove that HH is fighting the Catholic Church ati this govt is gagging the opposition? One crooked Catholic priest is exposed as a recipient of an illegally given “gift” and Mwamba calls it a fight against the entire Catholic Church. It’s Emmanuel Mwamba that seems to have issues with the Lucifers in churches being exposed. Fili uko tuleya, what else will come out of these corruption under PF cases? These Bishops personal accounts must be scrutinized, we might be surprised at the findings.

  2. Mwamba has nothing sensible to say. How does it become HH s fault for all the misdemeanors commited by others.? He is just trying to cover up the story of Bishop Banda having received stolen property.

  3. Shameless Emmanuel Mwamba. Mwamba has made himself the spokesperson for the former Arch bishop and others. Mwamba is just presenting the evidence that his party PF was behind forcing ZRA to give vehicle gifts to people and institutions mentioned. This rumbling Mwamba doesnt use his brains if he has any brains left in his skull!!

  4. Let them continue with the war against the Catholic Church….the hour of reckoning wiIl come.
    The crusade against the Arch Bishop Dr Alick Banda is disgraceful to say the least.
    What has Arch Bishop Banda done to Hichilema and his UPND Thugs for him to be subjected to insults, innuendoes, and misrepresentation? Arch Bishop Banda, a car Thief? Please UPND and the state house rogue media have decency… Respect our Bishops.
    You have gone too far? What has Arch Bishop Banda done to you? Look deeper inside your useless souls .. Scums of the earth.

    • you are the scum of the earth. who says a bishop cant be touched if he erred? You want the law to be defeated because one is a bishop? Did HH coax the witness to say what she said, is there no evidence or trails in the dealings leading to ZRA disposing off vehicles? Grow up ulimukulu sana iwe

  5. Let them continue with the war against the Catholic Church….the hour of reckoning wiIl come.
    The crusade against the Arch Bishop Dr Alick Banda is disgraceful to say the least.
    What has Arch Bishop Banda done to Hichilema and his UPND Thugs for him to be subjected to insults, innuendoes, and misrepresentation? Arch Bishop Banda, a car Thief? Please UPND and the state house rogue media have decency… Respect our Bishops. AND the CHURCH.
    You have gone too far? What has Arch Bishop Banda done to you? Look deeper inside your useless souls .. Scums of the earth..

  6. These are the same guys that could have defended or even hidden the guilt of the catholic church in the Rwanda Genocide. The law must and should visit anyone regardless of position or status. If these church leaders don’t want to be in conflict with the law, they must respect and observe it at any time or place. What did Mwamba want the witness to say?

  7. Under PF, no institution was spared from the pervasive reach of its corruption. Before PF, the Catholic Church was incorruptible and commanded a lot of respect.

    Under PF we saw priests benefiting from PF “generosity”. One priest even advocated rigging the 2021 elections in favour of PF. Another priest in Kitwe was gifted a Mercedes Benz car while his parish got a minibus from Mr. Bonanza who was the then PF MP for the constituency. Today the same MP is in the courts over unexplained wealth. The list is endless.

    So ba Mwamba, HH is not fighting the Catholic Church. It is the due process of the law that is exposing individual priests’ greed. Greed is no respector of persons.

    What we should be asking ourselves is, “are the allegations true?”. If true, then the affected individuals must bear the consequences of their poor judgement.


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