PRESIDENT HICHILEMA MUST LEARN TO BE HONEST …claiming that he doesn’t eat when Zambians sleep without food is hypocrisy- KALABA

…claiming that he doesn’t eat when Zambians sleep without food is hypocrisy.

CITIZENS First President Harry Kalaba says Republican President Hakainde Hichilema should learn to be honest with what he says to the Zambians.

In an interview with Smart Eagles, Mr. Kalaba said claims by President Hichilema that he doesn’t eat when Zambians sleep without food is hypocritical.

He said if President Hichilema was serious with the wellbeing of Zambians, his government would not have sold the maize they found in national strategic reserves.

“This is high level of hypocrisy on the part of President Hichilema to claim that he doesn’t eat when Zambians go hungry. He must be honest atleast for once. Zambians are not gullible to be fooled by cheap rhetoric. If he was serious with the wellbeing of us Zambians his government would have not sold all the maize they found in national strategic reserves,” Mr. Kalaba said.

“President Hichilema must be serious for once with the way he is running the affairs of the country. We can’t be always treated with self praise. Zambians are going through alot, high cost of living, increased loadsheding and rampant corruption,” he said.

Mr. Kalaba the former Foreign Affairs Minister said Citizens First party once in Government will endeavour to ensure that Zambians aspirations comes first.

” As Citizens First party our goal is to ensure that once in Government we look after the Zambians very well. We can’t allow Zambians to be treated with this mediocre type of leadership where one thinks he has the monopoly of wisdom. Self praise everyday at the expense of delivering what they promised whilst in opposition,” Mr. Kalaba said.


  1. The current opposition leaders are a very big disappoint. Surely are they still crying over the maize which was sold in the prior season? Even if they cried over it the whole year it will still not solve anything. I’m sure government has learnt a lesson from that and they will avoid repeating it in the future. Besides, the money realized from the same sale benefited the same Zambians because it was paid out to farmers who are the owners of the very maize, the money realized was not used by individual government officials for personal benefit. If anything, the situation has shown us that as Zambians we are also to blame for not securing our own food at household level by selling all the maize that was produced in the previous farming season. Otherwise if we kept food from the previous season at household level, we would not have become this vulnerable even if government sold all the maize. Besides, this hunger situation is a temporal issue, instead of the opposition talking about long term issues like unemployment, improving education provision, improving health care provision, to name just a few, they dwell on temporal issues which will not be there by next year. What are they are going to talk about next year if by God’s grace we have good rainfall and have a good harvest and no loadshedding?

  2. Straight Forward, you are right.But I believe HH can’t sleep when Zambians sleep hungry.I personally look at his carage when most of us were fearing the PF he went to the war front fearlessly so.I attended his meeting many years ago in mutendere compound and I just wanted to know his message he had for the people of Zambia he said this is big fight it’s business we have to fight people are suffering in this country if you become lazy we shall fail.And that was PF of Michael Sata which was not tolerant to opposition too, though better than PF of ECL which was ruthless.Mr Kalaba was by then opposing from a ventilation window where he could not be seen and his voice distorted by a small pantry room.We have evidence HH was taken to Mukobeko Maximum Security leaving us sick, sleepless no appetite and we were in agony.He told the people of Zambia don’t worry about me but just fight out side there better days are coming.The PF gyme boys were able to know who was not supporting them out cars were scratched in terrorism drive by driving their old corolas carelessly.HH sacrificed himself and property for the people of Zambia.His house was broken into and poop all over corridors we saw that.Mr Kalaba is pretending as usual he knows how selfless HH is.He left PF because of rampant corruption but he goes to bed with them in UKA.Zambian economy was brought down and people started suffering and he wants to forget deliberately so.


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