By David Zulu


President Edgar Lungu appears to be disconnected from reality, surrounded by false perceptions of power and greatness. The response from the public to his children’s disingenuous press conference should have been a clear indication that people have not forgiven or forgotten the abuses they endured during his tenure.

The press conference held by the wealthy offspring acted as a catalyst, reigniting emotions that citizens have been suppressing. They are still carrying deep-seated pain, and it is crucial that they are allowed to express these feelings through an institutional hearing, where they can openly discuss the events that took place under Lungu’s leadership. This need is becoming increasingly urgent with each passing day.

President Lungu’s orchestrated morning runs, aimed at riling up PF cadres and promoting anti-Hichilema sentiments, should be a source of shame for any rational person, especially someone who benefits from the current Head of State’s goodwill. However, Lungu seems to lack any sense of shame. In 2016, he even defied the law by refusing to hand over power to the Speaker of Parliament.

Under his administration, heavily armed militias were given free rein to abuse and brutalize citizens while the police turned a blind eye. Mourners were sliced with pangas and other dangerous weapons in graveyards, and armed groups raided churches and markets, illegally seizing titled land from its rightful owners.

President Edgar Lungu should consider himself fortunate that the country enjoys relative peace, allowing him to freely run through the streets of Lusaka without being questioned about past atrocities. Just as his stage managed encounters with PF cadres who beg for handouts are contrived, citizens have the patience to wait for him during his runs and demand justice. It is essential for him to exhibit more responsible behavior. Shame on him!


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