Elias Munshya of Alberta Bar

By Elias Munshya


Let me put this one thing to rest – according to current Zambian law, President Lungu is eligible to stand in 2021.

The law comes from the Constitution 2016, and from the Constitutional Court’s ruling in the Danny Pule and others case.

Some want to debate this matter further. Of course, you can do that. And I would encourage you to do so. However, we need to move on from here because the ConCourt has already ruled on this question.

I beg to differ with those who are insinuating that the Danny Pule case didn’t categorically state that Lungu is eligible. The ruling didn’t need to do that. According to the ratio decidendi, President Lungu’s situation and facts once applied to the law, would make him eligible.

I personally felt, before the Pule case was decided, that Lungu didn’t qualify. My views weren’t adopted by the ConCourt and so I lost! ConCourt made it explicitly clear.

Now can we move on to Bill 10?


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