8th June 2021

We have observed that PF member Chishimba Kambwili going round the country and in his usual ways, resorting to tribal rantings and hate speech particularly targeted at the innocent people of Southern Province of Zambia.

As Minister of Information before being fired by President Edgar Lungu, it was the same Kambwili who kept on demonising the people of Southern Province, including cooking up falsehoods that they had killed a female teacher who hailed from another tribe. This almost triggered revenge killings against innocent Zambians but God intervened.

As a matter of record, Chishimba Kambwili was one of those that were cited by the Commission of enquiry on voting patterns, for fomenting tribal hate.

Soon after being fired by President Lungu and expelled from the PF, Kambwili tried to hoodwink the nation by faking an apology to the people of Southern Province.

That was the same time his careless mouth got him into so many problems with the PF and being dragged to police and courts almost on daily basis, resulting in his conviction in some cases.

After so much torment by the PF regime, Kambwili went back to the PF where he is now being used to wage a tribal hate speech against the people of Southern Province, which is a serious crime especially under the recently enacted cybersecurity act.

We have no doubt that if were UPND members using that hate speech, they would by now have been arrested.

The fact that PF leadership including President Lungu are not publicly disassociating and denouncing Kambwili’s tribal ranting and hate speech, means they are pleased with what he says. This is a very dangerous path for the party that wants to stay in power.

We know PF have nothing to tell the Zambian people in their empty manifesto, but they would do well not destroy the national unity and peace that Zambians have enjoyed over years.

We urge the people of Zambia to reject Kambwili’s tribal rantings like our brothers and sisters in Serenje did during his hate speech on radio.

And for clarity, Kambwili should not be telling lies that he joined and worked with the UPND, at no time did Kambwili ever join the UPND. He had his own NDC political party which he deserted.

Patrick Mucheleka
*UPND Deputy Secretary General*


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