SAD NEWS:The dictionary is gone! George Mpombo  dies at 70 yrs


Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba writes:

Sad news, beautiful reminder.

Describe who Hon.George Mpombo was, in your own big words.

Former Minister of Defence, Hon. George Mpombo has died.

He will be remembered for many good things.

But for us in the media, we would remember him for his use of complex language and use of big words, many times unnecessarily!

Let me describe using his style!

He was a Sesquipedalian as he used unnecessarily complex language to attract attention to himself or the subject.. he was also a grandiloquent but sometimes pedantic!

May the soul of the departed, the demised, the decedent, the deceased, the late Hon. George Mpombo rest, repose and lay in eternal, perpetual, never-ending,everlasting, infinite,and abiding in peace.

Kindly help me by celebrate the life of this political giant by describing, using big words, who Hon. George Mpombo was.



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