Given Lubinda


THE abduction, eventual detention and cruel torture Emmanuel Jay Banda has been subjected to at the hands of the State is part of the larger scheme meant to create by-elections in marked Constituencies for the UPND to have numbers in Parliament to expunge the 50+1% clause from the Constitution and extend the presidential term to seven years from the current five, Given Lubinda has revealed.

Mr Lubinda, the Patriotic Front (PF) vice president says there are no doubts that the UPND is clandestinely scheming to amend the Constitution remove the 50+1 percent and revert to the first-past-the-post system of electing a President in the 2026 general elections.


  1. Ale ibepa fye Hichilema. The constitutional can not be amended in that way. There must be a constitutional review commission to do that. He thinks he can continue subjecting people of Zambia to his failed leadership for 7 years. With this hunger and suffering Zambians are going through, he’s happy to see that and thinks Zambians will allow him to continue making them suffer! Zero.

    • Manganga you are sharing same madness and foolishness with Given Lubinda PF criminals imwe. The Constitution changed like your dippers bwana, do stop pontificating nonsense and non existent issue here. You are cursed PF idiot together with Given Lubinda for telling lies ba idiot imwe. Abash guntrotting and Panga Wielding PF criminals for good.

  2. I thought you would feel happy if at all what you are saying is true. Last time PF got 38%, so when and where are going to find 50+1?

  3. The PF question? Who are the office bearers of PF? Is Mr Lubinda the PF vice President? This habit of issuing fake statements.They are worried of the 2026 election now they start thinking of relief.In case no party gets 50 percent plus one,re -run .UPND is destined to win that election without using calculators.This is not football bo Lubinda.”A ki ng’oma bo ndate”You failed to organize PF well.Mr Mwila tried his best,he only failed on management of cadres.You bo Lubinda you don’t have management skills the channel of responsibility and orderliness is what you failed to do in PF.Who is supposed to do what,when,where,how was not or is not there with the organization.No scalar chain of command.Donchi kubeba was seriously heightened so much that information in the party was for selected individuals.The main stay was whisperings and underhand methods.It was like the story of very big nshima other people don’t know if their colligues have started eating.Stop those innuendos bo ndate.


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