By Stanley Mubatsa

Opposition Green Party leader Peter Sinkamba has opposed President Edgar Lungu’s plans to institute a commission of inquiry to investigate the cases of gassing that left many people dead through mob justice.

In an interview with phoenix news, Mr Sinkamba says the money which government intends to use to carry out this activity must instead be channelled to the police in order to make them effective and efficient.

Mr Sinkamba observes that previous commissions of inquiry such as the one set up to investigate the cause of electoral violence in 2016 did not yield results adding that many Zambians up to now do not know the findings.

On Friday last week, President Edgar Lungu addressed the nation on the progress made on zambia`s application of national values and principals and announced that he will institute a commission of inquiry into the gassing incidents that the country experienced to establish the root cause and bring perpetrators to book.



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