Something fishy is going on in this country!
By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba wrote;
The State must inform us. We should not scrounge for information. It’s the duty of the State to release official information to citizens.
We raised an issue of the 22 Afghanistans who South Africa rejected on account of their international and terrorism risk profile.
The process was done from Zambia and they are still here in Zambia.
Government has never commented on this.
There was one of the largest cargo plane that was in the country and airport staff raised alerts over the consignment being taken.
Further, last week, there was a private Gulfstream G550 that flew directly from Morocco to Mfuwe Airport. Alerts were raised.
Now, this plane that flew from Geneva( Switzerland) to Athens (Greece), to Berbera(Somalia) to Addis Ababa and Lusaka, Zambia.
There was chaos as various Law Enforcement Agencies snooped around and keen to keep the multimillion dollar transaction under wraps and were keen to let the plane go.
Again, it took whistle-blowers to prevent this and they raised the alarm.
We cannot rely on whistle-blowers for such critical and secretive national events and information.
Whistle-blowers arise because official information is lacking or being hidden.
No member of law enforcement agency or airport staff would turn themselves into whistle-blowers over a normal flight!
Government owes Zambians the truth. We cannot rely on social-media speculations.