EVANGELICAL FELLOWSHIP OF ZAMBIA (EFZ) has been inundated with messages to clarify its position on the video circulating on social media where a named self styled pastor is advising congregants that one cannot multiply according to the Bible with only one wife. The “clergyman” further propagates Polygamy, promotes Divorce and makes sentiments that are absolutely disrespectful towards woman and pours scorn on the institution of marriage.
Our role as a mother body includes among others to give counsel to the nation as a prophetic voice and to preserve right Biblical teaching by being quick to correct error and erroneous doctrine on the pulpits.
We achieve our goals by the power of association and in the spirit of fellowship. This means our mandate to correct erroneous teachings propagatated on the pulpit is concentrated on our associates and the members of our fellowship.
However, the fellowship also speaks on doctrinal matters peddled by non-members. This is done in the spirit of preserving the integrity of the Gospel and promoting sanctity in the Body of Christ within our nation.
Therefore, the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia wishes to distance itself from the said church, its Pastor and the teaching propagated in the video.
The fellowship wishes to take this opportunity to advise its members in particular and Christians in general to remain committed to the teachings of the Holy Scriptures and to maintain the interpretations as has been handed down to us by Jesus Christ and the Apostles. While polygamy may have been tolerated under the Old Covenant, the clear revelation of Scripture on marriage as taught by our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles is that it is between one man and one woman.
We also wish to encourage the general public to be analytical in the choice of churches they choose to attend.
It is important to attend genuine Bible believing and Christ Centered Churches with well established structures of accountability. There are many genuine churches doted allover the country.
We further take this opportunity to advise clergy, particularly young and upcoming pastors, to take interest in upgrading themselves and expose themselves to Christocentric hermeneutical practice from genuine Bible Schools, both locally and internationally.
It is important that those who wish to lead churches are thoroughly and properly trained so that error and false teachings are minimised.
We sincerely request that the Department of National Guidance and Religious Affairs take action to stop this immoral promoting Pastor from further corrupting the moral values and principles of our nation through false teachings.
Bishop Andrew Mwenda
Executive Director
Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia.