Stop the Nonsense! Liswaniso Tells Those Calling for SG Removal Through Unorthodox Means


Stop the Nonsense! Liswaniso Tells Those Calling for SG Removal Through Unorthodox Means.

September 19, 2022

UPND National Youth Chairman GILBERT LISWANISO says he does not support calls to have party Secretary General, Batuke Imenda removed from his position using unorthodox means.

Speaking on Muvi TV’s Special Assignment programme Sunday evening, Mr. LISWANISO stated that those calling for Mr. Imenda’s removal using the media are not genuine UPND members.

He argued that UPND members cannot resort to unorthodox means of airing their grievances when the party has established channels of communication.

“Those pushing for the removal of SG Imenda are not genuine UPND members. In UPND, we have an organised way of doing things. So I plead with those behind these calls to stop the nonsense,” he said.

The National Youth leader reminded that those baying for Mr. Imenda’s blood should realize that the same SG won the party the 2021 General Elections and there is no way that his goodness has dissipated now.

Meanwhile, Mr. Liswaniso distanced Lusaka Province UPND Chairman Obvious Mwaliteta from calls to have the party’s Chief Executive Officer booted out.

He said as far as he is concerned, Mr. Mwaliteta has no hand in the protests to have the UPND boss jettisoned from the top job.

“I was with Mwaliteta this afternoon (Sunday) and we talked about that. The way I know him, he cannot sink so low. Yes his name is being floated but I can vouch for him, he has nothing to do with that,” Mr. Liswaniso stated.

The UPND National Youth strongman has since called for an immediate end to the calls saying if tolerated, that would set a bad precedence.


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