Edgar Lungu


By Koswe Editors

Following the wolf cries by PF dribble master Edgar Lungu that he has been blocked to travel to Korea for a peace summit, Koswe started investigating these lies.

For start. Those saying we should not talk about Edgar Lungu, we want to tell you that Koswe will not only talk about the DEAD but if you know that you are dead and committed crimes against Zambia, we will still talk about you. So, brace yourself for more talks about you especially if in the past you made thugs begin to think that they could turn this country into their armpits and attack people anyhow while you were stealing and promoting tribal hegemony.

And true. These are lies by Edgar Lungu. When will Edgar Lungu and his PF grow up?

There is no peace summit in Korea taking place. You don’t need to wonder much. Just Google and all search engines will show you that there is no peace summit there and worse off, there is no peace summit where Edgar Lungu has been invited to go and address anywhere and not even in the troubled neighbouring Congo or Mozambique.

Edgar Lungu will never stop his deceit behaviour. He wants to run away from PF problems.

But what is the truth? Well. The truth and only truth is that Edgar Lungu wanted to go and meet his funders and criminals who he should have met in South Africa. Initially, he lied that he wanted to go to South Africa for medical review but when he was stopped, he and his criminals funding his 2026 wishful dreams, decided that they meet him in Dubai but lie that he is headed for Korea to address a peace summit which only existed in their imagination. Well. It could be God exposing them, anyway.

These criminals have been coming to Zambia and he has been meeting them secretly and currently they are not even in Korea but Dubai.

For your information. Given Lubinda fled Zambia two days ago and is currently in Dubai and he went to mobilise the criminals expected to bankroll Edgar Lungu come 2026.

By the way, these are criminals that helped Lungu stash a lot of his stolen millions of dollars abroad and so, apart from mobilising more campaign funds, he is also meeting them to get the stolen money.

Why is it that Edgar Lungu has been allowed to continue living a cheating life and stealing from government when he is going against the law which stops him from being in active Politics?

These criminals are not sleeping but day and night are planning on how to either remove President Hakainde Hichilema from office using any means necessary.

Koswe’s clarion call is that government must stop paying rentals for Edgar Lungu and allow him to publicly get back to active Politics and when some PF members are calling for PF convention and they are butchering each other, government must not stop them.

Otherwise, there is no peace summit in Korea except a criminal, clandestine activity, money laundering, money stealing and campaign fundraising for Edgar Lungu is what is at play here.

Koswe: Investigations only! Silelo tayamba!

If you have not read it on Koswe then it’s FAKE News


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