
Freedom and fear are antithetical concepts.

You cannot be preconditioned and claim to be free.

Your world view cannot be permanently shaped by sectarian influences and you claim to be free.

Freedom of others may not translate into your freedom; for some people’s freedom translate into the shackling of others.

If you can willingly deliver your mind into their captivity, then you’re bound while they are free.

Therefore I say to you today my friend“unshackle yoursel.”

Our unequal country is sometimes governed by those incapable of creating policy balance to cater for the haves and have nots. Consequently, they might tend to channel that despair of the have nots into a powerful and unassailable political force.

The grievances of the have nots are manifold. We are present in a country where we go to bed in the evening and wake up in the morning, in the consciousness of poverty and hopelessness.

This consciousness is fortified not by imaginary but visible realities of having no meals on our breakfast, lunch and dinner tables. This is in addition to having non availability of excessively expensive power of electricity.

We were promised that if our government was allowed to increase electricity tariffs, then availability would improve to seven hours a day. Well as citizens, we remain on good side of the bargain, we allowed government to increase tariffs for electrify. What has government done to us in response to our fulfillment of our part of the bargain? Government has increased the hours of unavailability. Acting completely contrary to their promised enhanced availability of electricity.

New standards of government integrity is on the cards. New ways of responding to and keeping promises by government have been born. These new sets of moral standards are here for us to observe.

The patterns are now too consistent for us not to think of them as exceptions but as norms and or standards. If we count broken promises; they will range from strategy through governance to operations.

What was said about the vision and lack of it?

What was said about national unity and lack of it?

What was said about corruption?

What was said about enabling the business environment?

What was said about democracy?

What was said about contraction of national debt?

What was said about the price of the dollar?

What was said about the price of maize meal?

What was said about the price of fertilizer?

What was said about the price fuel?

What was said about sachets of cooking oil?

What was said about Pamela’s?

Where are we now on each one of those items? In 2025, let us reflect on those promises as we unshackle ourselves into living again. We will have to go on living without thinking about these promises as ever coming to fruition – I say so because no one increases in order to reduce except you know who😊?  No one in a proper frame of mind may even think of exporting in order to import.

To keep thinking that these promises will be fulfilled one day in the future is to remain shacked – on this Christmas Eve; I urge you to free yoursel my friend.




  1. First unshackle yourself from the chains of your defunct PF delusion. Then you will begin to live in the reality that HH and his New dawn Government are in power beyond 20 sate 1. Then you will be able to enjoy Christmas tomorrow and beyond 20 sate 1.

  2. I feel for defunked PF Party members who are just clinging to a sinking boat. Definitely MCS (MHSRIP) is calling his Boat because his living spiritseare tormented seeing what is going on in what he left as a strong Party.

    The riches of the dead if not treasured by the living follows the dead! This is the case of PF!

    Shame they have dragged the once strongest party into stinking mud!

    Unfortunate though!


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