Luckson Lungu
Luckson Lungu

By Richard Luo in Sinda

KAPOCHE PF member of parliament Luckson Lungu says people in the constituency are not happy because they have not seen the fulfillment of what they were promised by the UPND government.

In interview, Lungu, who is popularly known as Mwaiwanu, said the increase of fuel like diesel has not gone well with the citizens.

“I, being a member of parliament for Kapoche Constituency, I join the many people that are complaining that they have been affected with the increase of fuel prices. Inasmuch as we know government is trying to put things in place, but you don’t add a problem where there is a problem already,” he said. “…look at the prices of soya beans, maize. People are not happy. We appeal to government, if there is a way they can come in to help our people so that at least they should be encouraged and improve their living standards.”

Lungu said the Russia-Ukraine conflict should not be used as an excuse because other countries like Rwanda, South Africa still subsidised fuel.

He said people in rural areas were highly hit when fuel prices are hiked because for them to travel from villages to town it is very expensive.

“Fuel is the major component and once you increase, everything goes up like food because fuel is the engine of economy. When our President was campaigning, he said a lot on how he will reduce fuel prices. This is the time he should put that into practice. He is supposed to fulfill the things he promised to the people of Kapoche,” said Lungu. “We are not going to sit and watch our people live in abject poverty. Let the government find better ways to solve the problems our people are facing. People are not happy because they don’t see what they were promised. As long as people don’t see what they were promised, they won’t be happy.”


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