What President Hichilema  has said is just bad taste, horrible and aloof- UPND Member George Mtonga


George Mtonga wrote;

Kind of sad by the boss’s comments. In my work I hear alot of issues thst zambians are going through and even as I make the difficult decision of selecting cases  I can see the issues. I have had to choose between a person who was dying and the doctor told me there is no hope and a person who has a chance, I have seen the suffering of Zambians first hand and what decisions have to be made.

There was a guy recently who because of load shedding couldn’t plug in his machines for dialysis and he was raising money for solar equipment. He had no money.

To just come out and say what the President has said is just bad taste, horrible and aloof.


  1. What the president said is being misinterpreted to mean he does not care or understand what is prevailing in the country. What a shame.
    It is amazing that you and the opposition have not said anything about the President signing deals in China to help alleviate the Energy crisis the country s facing at the moment.

  2. It is shallow thinking from Mtonga to deliberately misinterpret what the President is promoting in order to address the power crisis arising from low water levels in the Country. A number of well meaning Zambians have already installed solar based power systems and have reduced their dependence on hydro electricity. This Mtonga is just a planted PF cadre.

    • Sir, solar isn’t cheap. And to expect even 10 percent of Zambians to suddenly afford solar is unreasonable.
      The president needs to weigh very carefully what he is saying. Are you honestly telling me you are okay with him saying we shouldn’t mourn about loadshedding because its a business opportunity? Next time he will say don’t worry about people dying because its an opportunity for you to sale coffins or start a business of morgues.

  3. He has ensured that ZESCO has built a sub-station next to his private home and has power 24/7. Why did HH not install solar panels on his private home? This is mocking poor Zambians.

    • Do substations generate power sir? I have a substation near my residence and still experience loadshedding. Aplly depth in your arguments because it looks like you are losing relevance.

      • MGM, they don’t generate electricity. That’s shallow of you. The argument is that HH uses ZESCO and Zesco ensures that his line has uninterrupted electricity supply. He has the guts to challenge us to buy solar when he has free electricity.

      • @MGM
        I do not blame you for lacking critical thinking. It seems to be part of the DNA of praise-singers. In case you did not know, there was no electrical sub-station next to HH’s private home before he came into power. Why was it put up after he came into power? There have been security upgrades to HH’s home at state expense. An electrical sub-station is the junction point between generation and distribution of power. It has the equipment to control and monitor electricity flow. Why do you think an electrical sub-station was installed next to HH’s private home?Was it not to control and monitor the flow of electricity to his private home, more especially to the security upgrades therein that are being powered by ZESCO?

  4. Lets be REAL Zambians!
    Crying about Loadshedding will not change anything.
    The Drought we just had is the MOST SEVERE in 60 years of our existence as a nation and sadly we were not adequately prepared for it.
    We did not adequately diversify our Energy mix away from the usual Hydro.
    I could not believe my eyes when I visited Kariba, Chirundu, Victoria Falls and Luangwa River last month.
    Where we used to have water is now very dry ground.
    Our water bodies are running dry.
    We need to wake up to this reality and face the crisis head-on.
    The way the president is being blamed is as if he created the drought.
    This is a Natural phenomenon and it won’t be the last.
    It’s time to move away from the mentality of Boma Iyanganepo and come up with innovative survival skills.
    Boma has done what is reasonably possible!

    • Actually we are even supposed to start thinking of how to convert sea water into drinking water so we can start running pipes in the coming few years.
      The level at which rivers and underground water has dried up is very alarming. To make it worse the cutting down of trees for charcoal has sky rocketed. The next drought will wipe out animals and human animal

  5. Even under PF, there was drought and loadshedding. But what did we hear from HH and his praise-singers? That ECL and his PF was just incompetent. So why should we now buy what UPND and it’s praise-singers are telling us today? UPND and it’s praise-singers are nothing but shameless hypocrites. Let them go to hell with their explanations. We shall not listen to them the way they refused to listen to PF.

  6. Mr Mtonga, before putting pen to paper, you should have digested carefully what HH said and why he went to China. You misconstrued what he said and you did not acknowledge the purpose of his trip to China.

    It is a shame that you are on Mwamba bandwagon.

  7. I am saddened at the number of praise singers who are supporting the President’s statement. HH believes very strongly that where there are challenges there are business opportunities. This is a very wrong approach to governance!
    Irrespective of what has caused the loadshedding, ALL zambians are suffering when we only have electricity for 3hrs daily. To say that now we must buy solar, register companies and get loans so we can start supplying to Zesco is insane in my opinion. Where shall we get the money to do that in the first place?
    Running a country isn’t about always making a profit, there is a huge social component to running a country and a leader must sacrifice for the good of the country. A good leader would have borrowed money here to import electricity, yes, more borrowing to ensure people are provided a service.
    Why must the same commentors here support each and every single thing the President says? Surely, him saying we are lazy for complaining about loadshedding is an okay statement?

  8. There are no easy solutions but hard work and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise to solve problems is the only way out. Well the current government knows that load shedding is a huge challenge to citizens and has proposed some solutions in the short, medium and long-term. You can criticise these proposed solutions and offer alternative solutions. Complaining is the initial expression of a felt problem after which serious people look for solutions.


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