Since his opposition days, Hakainde Hichilema ensured that he remained focused and never shaken by all manner of threats that were being thrown at him.

He is the clear version of “If you know what you want, stay focused, stay put, don’t look at every barking activity”.

Unless another can claim otherwise, Hichilema could be among the few leaders who has been in UPND without jumping from it to another or from another to UPND.

And if anything, Hichilema understands the the role of Alliances in politics because one’s network is their networthy.

However, the current opposition in Zambia is not inspiring to even their own children. It is a group of power hungry, dishonest, corrupt and pure opportunists.

We have stated this because of how UKWA GROUP is fast dying. This group is BID. There is no leadership amongst themselves. And the reason is simple; Kalaba knows Edgar inside and outside because he resigned from his PF government, Saboi knows the PF very well and Edgar knows these fellows very well.

At this juncture, we can part the back of Fred M’membe’s head for seeing what we saw immediately we saw Edgar announcing that he needed to fight for himself and his children because not even Kalaba, Saboi, Jackson, Sikota, Sean, and the rest were doing so.

Now the loose ends are here for all to see. Raphael Nakachinda who we once in while address as Gunyu Masaka has come out strongly telling UKWA members to stop exploiting Edgar.

By definition, exploiting can be explained as:
1. Make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource). For example “500 companies sprang up to exploit this new technology” And in similar, we can say exploiting is to: Utilize, make use of, put to use, use to good advantage turn/put to good use make the most of, capitalize on,
benefit from, turn to account, draw on
profit from/by make capital out of
cash in on milk

2. Make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.
“The company was exploiting a legal loophole”

Having said that, it is now clear that what we have been getting told about UKWA and the feel from some PF Faction members is true. Lungu’s PF faction feels that Kalaba, Saboi, Jackson, Sikota, Sean and all are simply after Lungu’s money and them using Lungu for political capital.

In fact, some Lungu’s PF faction members have been complaining that the UKWA GROUP members have more access to Edgar Lungu’s resource envelopes compared to them.

While on the other hand, some UKWA GROUP members have also been very firm that a group of thugs that lost an election with over 1 million votes cannot push that their losing candidate leads the UKWA group and be on the ballot paper because the wounds such a one inflicted on the country may still be fresh to turn into one’s votes.

We agree with both sides. The Lungu’s and the UKWA but whatever the case, Lungu will beat these fellows hands down and it will be too late for even Kalaba to mobilise for himself.

When Lungu was leader of Zambia, his thugs caused havoc but never said anything and today he has sent Nakachinda to warn UKWA GROUP members because that is how he operates.

This warning from Edgar through Nakachinda must be taken serious by all those UKWA GROUP members because if they will not accept, surely they will be beaten by this PF faction and we mean real beating at the very place where they will want to pick a different person as UKWA leader other than Edgar.

As Koswe, we can only lay it bare and say that Edgar won’t let go easily of that UKWA thing and while Kalaba and others are using him and his money, he will surely also use them big time and if they refuse, they will be brutally beaten.

Can a divided house offer credible, sober and act as an alternative government to that of Hakainde Hichilema? Certainly not the UKWA group and certainly none of the current opposition. They need to think twice and currently the UPND government’s only credible opposition parties are Zambians themselves and especially those who voted for the party  otherwise UKWA GROUP has been BID from birth.


    • Very true it’s going nowhere. Everyone in there is running around like headless chickens that’s why today this one gives a statement and following day the other one contradicts.

  1. UKA is led by a group of thugs, corruption, calls girls from Addis Ababa rd, and most of ALL the king of corruption EDGAR CHIKALA CHAGWA LUNGU.
    The exception is KALABA


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