Who did the UPND govt consult to sell 10% of Zambia’s land (20 million acres) to a foreign company?- Fred M’membe

Dr. Fred M'membe


We note with great concern the increasing sell of Zambia’s land to foreign companies under the UPND government.

We again ask Mr Hakainde Hichilema and his UPND government to explain the massive sell of Zambia’s land to the Dubai based Company. Who did they consult to sell 10% of Zambia’s land (20 million acres) to a foreign company? How much have they sold this land for? What are the terms of the agreement? Can they make these terms available to the people of Zambia. Did this matter go through Parliament? Which land exactly have they sold? Do they even know what 10 percent means? What will be left for our children and children’s children if we can generously hand over land in this manner to serve developed countries?

We humbly ask that Mr Hichilema convenes a press briefing to explain the sell of our precious land. Read more at: (https://thebreakthrough.org/journal/no-20-spring-2024/land-grabs-for-carbon).

He should also explain the donation of our land to Rwanda and the current debates on land to other foreign countries. Who gave them the permission to sell or donate our land?

Fred M’membe
President of Socialist Party


  1. aFuledi, before asking anyone to explain anything, who allowed you kuchita kumatako when you know it’s illegal in Zambia? Other baJune who exposed you, how many others unachita kumatako? Even katolika priest, who are famed vochita chita kumatako ran away from you, can you explain? Stupid pfidiot!!!

  2. We have Councils and traditional leaders plus Ministry of Lands, so according to you Mmembe, who can sell even a small piece of land without consulting the above mentioned institutions? Moreover there is no government in the world which consults on everything it does. For example, PF never consulted us or anyone on its reckless borrowing, maybe they consulted you.

  3. Oh and by the way, you children married imperialists so the don’t need our land here. And so your children’s children will be half imperialists and half bochita ku matako. No pressure Afuledi Matako!

  4. ZDA refuted this story 2 days ago. No one is trying to sell the country. Please keep yourself informed before shitting via your mouth instead of your back side.

    • how can the refuse and refute this story when it is there in public,the said investors even went to luapula to meet chiefs in that region


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