James Ndambo was born in Zambia on 18th April 1954 who is a Zambian businessman, based in South Africa, he owns Africa Union Financial Services, (AUFS) a longtime business partner of the Republic of Belarus which is active in in the promotion of goods and services from Belarus in South Africa and SADC region. On May 26, 2018 Africa Union Financial Services Ltd. (AUFS) signed a cooperation agreement with The National Satellite Telecommunication Network (Renatelsat) of the Democratic Republic of Congo with a goal to improve the technical capabilities and the financial health of the public enterprise of a technical and commercial nature, created in 1991. AUFS takes care of the rehabilitation of the Renatelsat satellite network as part of a BOT contract (build, operate and transfer)….

Mr. James Ndambo also owns a spot commodity exchange company Africa Union Commodity House (AUC) that deals in commodities on the domestic (South Africa) and international arena. Africa Union Commodity House trading as African Union Commodity Exchange is a subsidiary company of Africa Union Holdings. AUC actively provides services the sectors of SCANNERS, MONITORING, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, CIVIL ENGINEERING, MANAGEMENT & FINANCE.

Mr. James Ndambo is also the founder of a Choma based non governmental organisation known as ‘My Home Town’(MHT). MHT is a NGO concerned with uplifting the welfare of its members which brings together people with common ideals and values. Mr Ndambo, a business tycoon based in South Africa, said he decided to form MHT because of his concern for his birth place, Choma town. MHT also aims at unlocking the potential of its members to develop themselves rather than looking to government and donors for assistance.

James Ndambo
James Ndambo

Mr. James Ndambo under the Kaunda era worked as a manager in some of the companies owned by Lonrho like Consolidated Motors. In the Chiluba era Mr James Ndambo with the likes of Dean Mungomba opened the dry port port which was located at former Kalipinde Inn or Lido Drive Inn Cinema. He also owned one of the highly classic night clubs in the mid 1990s called Cosmopolitan in Makeni. Cosmopolitan was a first class entertainment club which had the facility of transporting passengers without cars to the club doors. It offered other new facilities like the ‘chi light’ whereby psychedelic lighting was positioned at the sky clouds.

When the Mwanawasa government came into power he took a low low profile on the local scene and has now grown into a recognizable Zambian mogul, though he likes it low.


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