Dickson Jere writes….
The Kaumba Brothers
By Dickson Jere
I received a call from a longtime colleague working for the US-based Human Rights organization. He was profiling the case of the two brothers – Elijah and Ernest Kaumba – who had been detained by Zambia Police (ZP) for over 50 days without being taken to Court. The case of the two brothers, is likely to appear in organization’s Annual Report on the “deteriorating” human rights situation in Zambia. He was looking for government contact to hear their other side of story as to why these two boys were detained inordinately. To gravitate the matter, the two brothers were transported from their hometown of Kalulushi to Lusaka.
What did they do to deserve this harsh treatment? They allegedly produced a TikTok video “insulting” the President.
Here is my take on this matter and similar cases.
Who within the ZP is trying very hard to tarnish the name of Zambia in particular President Hakainde Hichilema? The President, from date of his inauguration, has made it clear and irrevocable that no one should be detained more than 48 hours when arrested. He has also made it clear that ZP should never arrest until when it has evidence and that culprits should be brought to Court within 48 hours or granted bond. This is a Presidential directive- which automatically becomes policy! So, who is tainting the President’s name within ZP?
You see, President Hakainde is one only President thus far who went ahead and repealed the law on defamation of the President. He did that knowingly that some rogues will defame while he carries out his duties of President. He scored international accolades for this but now all his good intentions being thrown away by overzealous ZP. But why?
Until this matter of the two brothers was brought to my attention, I didn’t know about the video. I am now looking for it and so are many other people. The ZP are now making that video has wide circulation and impact when it would have just died within few circles had they arrested and dealt with the boys right in Kalulushi. This is bringing negativity to yourselves when the President is supposed to be concentrating on dealing with pressing issues of the economy and not those who insults him. By why ZP?
Because of the mishandling of this matter, international Human Rights organizations, LAZ, Catholic Church and other civil society organizations have now joined in trying to help these two brothers. We are turning them into martyrs when in fact they were just rogues on TikTok.
I don’t know, maybe the President was not even aware of these kids being detained. I say so because it happened in my time in State House when a man was arrested, prosecuted and jailed in Ndola for “insulting” President Rupiah Banda. The President only came to know about this case when it was finally reported in newspapers. He was livid! He immediately ordered the unconditional release of the man and be given back his job at Zamtel – which he had lost by virtue of the conviction!
“If he cannot insult the President, who will he insult for his problems?” President Banda asked, adding that even in villages chiefs are insulted by subjects.
Sometimes we do things in the name of pleasing the President when in fact he has different position on the matter. ZP, please, do not taint the name of Zambia. Do not taint the name of the President who has given straightforward instructions on how to deal with suspects. I have never heard the President issue contrary position on this matter. He has been consistently consistent!
Hakainde knows that those boys have been detained for 2 months without court appearance, because charges are flimsy meant to intimidate wider public. Hakainde should be ashamed of himself, though we know he has no shame at all. That is why he lies through his teeth about police conduct, and bail process.
This is not the Zambia we want. Days of dictatorship are long gone.
Free those innocent boys at once Mr. Hichilema. You are too emotional for no reason. Not everyone thinks you are messiah or a small god. Not everyone likes you for that matter, get used to that.
Focus on fixing cost of living, not innocent youths.
Vote wisely in 2026.
Get it into your greasy head that no single politician will ever make your cost of living less.
Create your own space, work hard and earn a decent living.
You will thank me later
Perhaps the President should crack the whip, not only in relation to this matter but also on other matters where people he appointed to various positions are not performing to people’s expectations.
What is the mandate of the Police? Enforce the law. In so doing. These kids broke the law or the person who insulted RB broke the law. If you dont want this to be a crime amend the law.
Mr. Jere you tend to live in a bubble the is not reality. As a lawyer I honestly thought you would be more rational. A crime is defined by law not by the Police. You want to blame someone for the 50 day incarceration? Blame the DPP and their ineptitute. We cry about cholera yet there laws to deal with the causer of littering. When the Police do their work you tell them no! Its disconcerting to law enforcement and later get called out when you have a problem. Stop the abuse of the police and amend the laws. Also train the police. Traffic Police dont understand their role or the laws. How do you expect them to function. Their perception is that they are fine collectors and most end up in their pockets.
The president has good intentions for this country but the people he is working with are a let down. The Zambia Police should be restructured otherwise it is a let down institution. The police officers just from inception of their training lack the ability to make the right decisions and to act independently. Their thinking and action is based on receiving commands even a simple case or allegation a Police Officer on duty cannot analyse an issue to make the right decision in accordance with the Law. Instead, s/he will consult their superiors and the chain goes on like that in the system.
The same Police brought down the PF regime for failure to deal with hooligans , thugs and thieves. They abused the law and the public order act. The same things are still happening in the new dawn government. Honestly, speaking why should an arresting officer travel all the way to Kalulushi just to go to arrest two youths and bring them to Lusaka?
There are so many pressing issues which require police attention the police which they should concentrate on. In the distribution of FISP and disbursement of social safety net programmes under the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services there are irregularities involved. Equally, in the past recruitment in officers in the Zambia Police, Army and other government institutions people witnessed irregularities as the weaknesses we had during the PF have continued and law enforcement agencies have not acted decisively.
The police is toothless and sleeping because is not trained to act and decide independently but it is accustomed to work with orders and instructions.
The president should work hard to restore public confidence and integrity in the Zambia Police. Above all, the Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security despite being a seasoned lawyer has done little in transforming the police.
Mr Jere do not refer to the actions of this rogue bishop satana Banda and his band of pfidiot priests as the position of the Catholic Church in Zambia. It is mo secret that these pfidiot priests even campaigned to have the 2021 rigged against HH7 because of his tribe. So please separate the Catholic Church from these Lucifer’s!!!!