Why Is HH And Police IG Planning To Ambush Me At Night- Cries Edgar Lungu


Fellow Citizens,

Yesterday, I received disturbing information, indicating that the Zambia Police Service has opened 25 dockets against me based on formal complaints from UPND members in Lusaka. To that effect, the police are under instructions to arrest me in the dark of the night any day by surprise!

My question is, why is President Hakainde Hichilema and the Zambia Police Inspector General planning and mobilizing to ambush me at night, abduct, embarrass, and forcefully detain me like a hardcore criminal?

Where is the respect for the office of the former President in Zambia today if a sitting president can endorse a malicious ambush and barbaric arrest of a former head of state in the fashion l hear?

Wouldn’t issuing a police call-out suffice as per legal procedure? What is the motivation and goal behind this night ambush at my residence on me? Why this disrespect of the law and the office of former president?

Since transitioning to being a former Head of State of this country, I have been subjected to numerous unconstitutional actions by the state, from being barred from my simple morning workouts to being denied the right to travel, and now to being prevented from moving and making courtesy calls to anyone. I am practically under “house arrest” for no reason.

My appeal is straightforward! “Call me, and I will make myself available any day, any time during daylight hours.”

As far as I am aware, I have not committed any crime that would warrant the government, through the police, to start scheming against me in this manner.

I am deeply concerned about President Hichilema’s disregard for the “Rule of Law” and “Constitutional Democratic Values” by weaponizing law enforcement agencies against law-abiding citizens who criticize his leadership and governance. Please, let us defend our peace, democracy and constitution!

May God bless Zambia.

Edgar Chagwa Lungu
Sixth Republican President of Zambia. S


  1. Of course Edgar Lungu will NOT be arrested but I would ask him to reflect on how he sent a detachment of police officers to storm HH’s home where they even discharged teargas indoors, defected on his bed and stole food from refrigerators. Edgar Lungu has never apologised for that.

  2. Just observing pa Zambia…
    2023 was wasted just arresting people and useless Mingalatos..
    Again 2024 the country has continued on the same Path …
    What can one say? What will become of Zambia in 2025? Have never seen such Malabishi governments in my life!

    • Were you living in Mars when Lungu was having HH and others arrested? Selective amnesia and willful stupidity is what you exhibit with these comments.

      • Edgar Lungu is a former President…And should be treated as such.. From the time he left office, the man has virtually been a prisoner.. Even before he got involved in active politics, the man was being treated with humiliation.
        We can’t be a nation daily arresting people…Grinding down gates of the former President’s house, holding people without trial.. Which Opposition Leader hasn’t been detained in Zambia under this government ? …2023 was completely wasted…Arresting Opposition Leaders and stealing Opposition parties. This is how nations fail. We are a Multi party democracy and should live as such..
        Hakainde should learn from the former Burmese Leader who was a darling of the west..with awards after awards. Where is she today? Forgotten and abandoned. The fact that western countries are not talking about the degeneration of democracy and total collapse of the rule of law doesn’t mean they are not noticing..
        Narrow and tribal Zealotry , support of a few tribal praise thugs, and an immoral vengeance based on a distorted history can’t sustain a government…It is naivety of a worst kind. Successful Governments are anchored on respect of rule of law and adherence to the tenets of democracy..which are being eroded in Zambia everyday. Yes a few praise thugs, most of them , tribal Zealots, can make noise here and there, but the majority are quiet and observing…and come 2026 democracy will win…Zambia is not for Despots.

        • I do not care if he was Jesus. And no one is actually harassing his dishonest ass. He wants fools like you to pretend they don’t understand the issue.
          I hope he is locked up soon for his actual crimes. The arrogant fool.

  3. Mr Lungu,No need to worry just continue what you are doing. HH is a very patient and long-suffering being. Just continue hanging yourself. You kept hiding your political interest until you were invited to come to open and now your scheme to use the church will not take you anywhere. Truly there is time for everything, you will definitely find what you want.

  4. Just wait my dear, it’s your turn now. What time did you ambush HH, was it not at night? Three days ago, you said you don’t fear one man, you only fear many people but today you are already complaining. If you kill by the sword, just know that one day you will also be killed by the sword. Moreover don’t be misled by UKA people, they are pushing you in front where themselves are fearing to be. Don’t also endanger yourself or your life, some of this courage you are using is very dangerous, remember the story of Goliath, when he fell alone in front, they all scampered in all directions running for their lives, they could not even pick his body, not even his spear and shield. Wait for the day of your arrest, you will see what I am talking about.

  5. Kansi Lungu is a coward, I thought he was boasting of not being a coward. Mudala uyu is a real comedian. Please walk the talk.

  6. I thought u said are ready for anything. Mind u if you think whem are arrested zambians will rise for u then ECL u are totally wrong. My advice to u even on the continent very few presidents may speak for u. KK had an international status because from the liberation movements for other countries.

  7. You motivated by revenging those who may have wronged you? I m sure the end will be disastrous and you may put the once stable country at the forefront barbaric , anarchy, turmoil more divisions than you are facing. When the country becomes unstable no one enjoys or is at peace. We will remind in future that we warned you to live side by side in harmony and tranquility. If you don’t take time to reflect and read the moods of people just because you have access to power and controls the instruments of institutions of government, you will end up abusing the power. Power must be used in a modesty and restraint manner

  8. So Mr Snake is such a coward … Kikikiki
    Was he not the one saying he is not afraid only last Sunday?
    Keep him guessing!
    Boma ni Boma!
    Don’t behave in a Stupid way and expect to get away with stupidity!
    Olo ka inzi kapaiwa ngati kasokoneza nchito!
    Learn to be clean in politics!
    Zambia enjoyed peace from 2021 to 2023 when you came back like a Demon to trouble Zambia again.
    Zisunge mudala!
    Don’t think everyone is happy with the nonsense you are doing!
    Don’t forget the many lives you injured . You may not know what hits you!
    Be very careful with that your careless mouth!

  9. Who would want to ambush a person who wants to impose himself on Zambians?

    Who wants you Lungu or are seeking refuge in Politics from the long arm of the law?


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