Elijah Temboh

Edgar Lungu was voted out of power with a 25kg bag of breakfast mealie meal fetching at K130.

What makes UPND think HH will survive the axe in 2026 with the same bag of mealie meal fetching at K400 today. Hunger is the greatest opposition HH has now.

Edgar Lungu was voted out of power in 2021 with the price of fuel fetching at K17. What makes UPND believe that HH will survive the knife in 2026 with fuel price at K34? Cost of commodities and cost of doing business is another opposition for HH.

Edgar Lungu was voted out of power with the dollar trading at K15 to $1. So what makes UPND cadres think HH will not be voted out in 2026 with the dollar at K26? Another opposition is the inflation rate.

Edgar Lungu was voted out of power despite ending loadshedding. So what makes UPND think that HH will survive the chop board with 24 hours of loadshedding mwebantu? The other biggest opposition is loadshedding; businesses are closing and people are losing employment.

Edgar Lungu was voted out of power with prices of fertiliser at K750. What makes UPND cadres think that with fertiliser fetching at K1,200 HH will survive? The Cost of farming is another opposition.

Edgar Lungu was voted out when he was giving farmers farming inputs early and each farmer was receiving 6 bags at K400. Now that no farmer receives 6 bags except medas of fertiliser and seeds very late, what makes UPND supporters think HH will win 2026 elections? Late delivery of inputs and readjustments is an opposition.

Edgar Lungu was voted out of power despite building schools, hospitals, clinics and roads. What makes UPND supporters think HH with zero infrastructure development will survive the chop board in 2026?

Edgar Lungu with few cases of corruption that he entertained was voted out of power. What makes UPND supporters think HH will survive the wrath of electorates with rampant corruption cases at every stage of his government?

Edgar Lungu was voted out of power despite stocking drugs in hospitals and clinics. What makes UPND supporters to think that HH will survive the uproar in 2026 with hospitals and clinics without drugs?

Edgar Lungu always strived to tell the nation the truth but he was voted out of power. So what makes UPND cadres think that HH will hold on to power with so many lies told to the nation so far?

Edgar Lungu declared a national day of prayer and fasting and had Christians for Lungu but he was voted out of power. What makes UPND cadres think HH will remain in power beyond 2026?

Edgar Lungu had at his disposal the ECZ, ZP,  Zambia Army, ZAF, ZNS and all wings of government but he lost the elections. What makes UPND cadres think these can aid HH remain in power?

Edgar Lungu with stubborn cadres were removed from power. What makes these cadres think that they will fight for HH even on the ballots in 2026?

Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, Chishimba Kambwili, Enock Kabindele are among prominent and Influential politicians that joined Edgar Lungu but he failed to win. What makes UPND cadres think un Influential and finished wynter kabimba will help them win elections?

2026 is time for change.


  1. Losing to who? Wishful thinking! Just go and start doing something productive in the environment HH is so selflessly labouring to create. Imwe kanofye tantameni?

  2. This man is spreading misinformation. The exchange rate on 13th July 2021 just, before the elections, was K23 to the dollar. After UPND came to power through the August 2021 elections, the exchange rate came down to K16 to the dollar on 30th August 2021 before beginning to rise to the present rate of K27 to the dollar.

    So the exchange rate has gone up by only K4 in the three years from where the notorious PF left it. So the rest of his story must be taken with a pinch of salt (doubtful data).

    It is also interesting to note that in 2011 when PF came to power, the exchange rate was K5 to the dollar. At the time of their exit it was K23 to the dollar. A depreciation of over 300%!!!

    Ba Tembo, there is nothing to get worked up about regarding what we are going through. If we had continued with PF, things would be 10 times worse. Of that, I have no doubt.

  3. Why are people fixated on ubunga. That is not development. Costs go up everywhere. Can you debate reasons things have gone up and what could have been done to mitigate that. Do you think a farmers costs are static? If farmers stop growing maize where is ubunga going to come from?

    So talk about how a farmer can make profit and people still afford ubunga. That is hard for all silly politicians and mediocre analysts.

  4. This is the problem of inadequate knowledge and lack of exposure. This world is not static due to certain dynamics. Do people really think the cost of commodities will come down in this Global economy? People should live the reality. Even when Zambia’s economy was at its best prices of commodities kept increasing. At least the price of fuel is adjusted according to prevailing market forces. Wake up and work hard.

  5. No one can stop the influence of nature on anything. Natural issues can only be mitigated. Our situation has been strangled by nature and no sensible blame can be put on anyone. I believe HH is doing his work the best and the chance of being in power again is higher than Lungu.

  6. Can someone advise this dull analyst the following,
    1. Costs will never wait for anyone’s income to rise first before they increase or go up. There are many factors beyond anyone’s control that can easily drive prices further up without notice or warning given. Therefore to stay comfortable regardless one has to find ways of increasing their income.
    2. Prices will never come down to suit anyone’s level of income. People who cant afford will always go for cheaper alternatives that is the way of the economy. once gain to continue enjoying what anyone enjoys they have to have means of increasing their income.

  7. He is not even a politician, true politicians know that winning an election is breaking new grounds in terms of support base. Which new grounds has adada broken to increase his chances of winning an election even if it was called today. The same upnd you are questioning have made alot of inroads in most areas previously held as PF strong holds, but i am yet to be told which new support base has the PF and adada have broken and added on to the perceived strong holds. People have moved on dear, and they fully understand how we arrived at all those issues you have talked about, it’s not everything to be blamed on the upnd. Things like mealie meal, only lazy broiler chickens think it’s a political issue, it’s not dear, who do you think will toil growing maize for you to come and buy cheaply . Lazy fellas


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