Walliey Christiano Mukena

During Barbra Banda’s shaping years, growing up as a girl in Mtendere, the country had no point of reference for any Woman who had made it big in Sports: football or Boxing.

Imagine being Barbra Banda’s mother in those days, watching your girl child addicted to a male Sport that gives her no hope for any future.

The torture of your soul as a mother, the feeling of loss, the sense of hopelessness and embrace of misfortune and thoughts of being cursed each time you look at your girl nursing a bruised knee: She was playing football.

Take off your shoes right now and put yourself in Barbra Banda’s shoes through her childhood.

The scolding from the mother who did everything to stop her from playing football; a sport she loved herat and soul.

the broken relationship with the family,

the rejection and cold shoulders from a mother who felt embarassed by the path she had taken but she  held on to her dream, unshaken for seventeen years.

This is a story of a dark walk through a broken path of shame and loneliness. A path very few of you who criticise her dressing can walk.

A story of pain, a cross of embarassment on your shoulders; following you like your own shaddow, rejection and triumph kissing on  a stinking dumping cite of hate yet this triumph still refuses to lose its stench.

“…My mother, …She never approved and supported anything i did. The first time she began to believe is when i was called for the under 17 National team” Barbara claims in her own words .

This is a Barbara Banda you a nonentity in her life.

You who she doesnt even know  want to tell her how to dress and you think she will listen to you?

You must be kidding!

Each time you ask Barbara to dress like a girl,

Remember her first seventeen years and how many times her mother told her to stop playing football because no Woman in this country had ever made it in football but she refused to listen to her. So who are you that she will listen to you?

Each time you tell Barbara Banda to wear a dress,

Remember, her own officials from FAZ  at the previous WAFCON who were suppose to stand by her side during one of her most difficult times, turned against her,  told her to take pills to suppress her testos but Banda refused. Who are you to tell such a strong character to wear a dress she never wants to wear?

Each time you give your opinion over how Barbara must walk,

remember this is such a mentally strong character who has passed through the heaviest insults and hate speech from the world’s most influencial dark souls  but she has never ever at any point lost her smile or looked shaken!

She never gives a fuss.

Such a personality, such a  concrete loaded soul, such a champion and inspiration to every child, a path finder forged from her own self made furnance  and a born leader first to herself, her team and the world.

Lets for first time pocket any criticism of this girl, she has been through it all.

Celebrate a true human being, soul and Character she is. At only 24, its impossible to win the battles of life like Barbara is winning!


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