Woman Bares it All: My Best Friend is Seeing my Baby Dad


Emotional Damage
Woman Bares it All: My Best Friend is Seeing my Baby Dad
Jessie Mpinde wrote;
The last few days have been very difficult and traumatizing for me both mentally and emotionally. I have been in a very bad space and wanting it all to disappear. I found out in a rude and shocking way that my very close friend is going out with the father of my child which left me very perplexed.

It all started last week Friday when I flew to Joburge to meet with my business partner who is also the father of my child. I arrived in the afternoon And went to check into the hotel. I called him to inform him that I had settled and to see what the plan was for the evening. We agreed to meet at my favorite restaurant to plan out next few days as we were there on business.
When it was time, I left to meet him at the restaurant. I got there before him and then I sat at the bar to wait for him. But yo my surprise, he arrived with my friend Nyoni Violet Tracy by his side. Tracy is a very close friend that I have known from my teenage years in makeni who is also like a sister to me. This shocked and traumatized me very much. I was in such disbelief.

Our relationship with my baby daddy has not been a fairytale and I have met him on several occasions with different women some of which he entertains from our business premises and I have always given him his space. But for it to extend to someone close to my heart was beyond me.

I admit that posting it on social media was not the wisest thing to do but in that very moment, her attitude and how she responded to me when I tried to find out what was going on really provoked me to anger. In my whole life I try to stay away from unnecessary drama and protect myself but this one was difficult.

Over the last few days, Tracy has been going on platforms denying knowing me and our friendship saying that I am claiming.
This morning, I posted some pictures of me and her. I had no words at the time as I was still in shock. I have attached the same video and pictures now of proof of our friendship with the first picture and video taken in my home where I would host her and cooked for her on many occasions. You can hear her in the video saying that you have to enjoy in your sister’s house. So if we do not know each other at all, how are we in my home drinking wine and cooking so comfortably with our wigs off?

One of the pictures is a screenshot from my birthday in 2019. Now, how would I be celebrating my birthday with a stranger to the point of posting a picture together and captioning it?
How about the pictures at the master cook event of both of us looking much younger? Do strangers show each other that much affection on camera?

She has lied to everyone leaving me to look like I am delusional. I have shared these pictures and videos because I think it is only right that the correct truth is known. I am not crazy and I am not delusional. Neither am I an attention seeker.

Here is what bothers my mind though. She knew where the man was going and who he was going to meet. If she was well meaning and peace loving, why did she not remain somewhere and catch up with him after the meeting? What was the motive of her coming along to the restaurant and what reaction did she expect? Was there a point that she was trying to prove? Was it all worth her risking my relationship with my child’s father and my business partner?

My relationship with baby daddy has not been a romantic movie but as women and as sisters, there are values that we must uphold. Tracy was not just anyone to me. She was like a sister, as you can hear her say it in the video as she pretended to be the one cooking and me giggling in the background as I filmed it.

If you look at the video and the few pictures, does that look to you like strangers?
The million dollar question is what did I ever do to her to deserve this?

She can come and defend her self and say whatever she wants but only her and myself know the complete truth.


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